Jan 23, 2007 21:48
stolen from aly
The Best Myspace Survey
* . . About You . . *
Eye Color:: poop brown
Hair Color:: dark brown
Height:: 5ft 4 ish inches
Favorite Color:: teaalll
Favorite Band:: probably bright eyes
Favorite Movie:: ferris beullers day off or thumbsucker
Favorite Show:: ANTM
Your Car:: i dont have one
Your Hometown:: providence, ri
Your Present Town:: Cranston
Your Crushes First Name:: Graham
Your Grade:: college for now
Your Style:: rachelicious
* . . Have You Ever . . *
Sat on your rooftop?: Nope
Kissed someone in the rain?:not really, drizzle isnt really rain haha
Danced in a public place?: Yep
Smiled for no reason?: Yep
Laughed so hard you cried?: Yes
Peed your pants after age 8?: No
Written a song?: tried, failed. this is why i write poems
Sang to someone for no reason?: well it probably had a reason, even if it was a very silly one
Performed on a stage?: Yep
Talked to someone you don't know?: Yeah
Gone out of your way to befriend someone?: no
Made out in a theatre?: Yeah
Gone roller skating since 8th grade?: no, i dont roller skate..i blade
Been in love?: Yes
* . . Who was the last person to . . *
Say HI to you?: My papi
Tell you, I love you?: my mom probably
Kiss you?: graham
Hug you?: my mama
Tell you BYE?: my papi
Write you a note?: its been a while
Take your photo?: myself haha.
Call your cell phone?: my house
Buy you something?: i cant remember
Go with you to the movies?: graham
Sing to you?: graham ..haha singing me a britney spears song in kennedy plaza lol
Write a poem about you?: i dont know
Text message you?: PAUL!
Touch you?: i dont know
* . . What's the last . . *
Time you laughed?: today, probably at amber
Time you cried?: last night, but im good now
Movie you watched?: probably some saturday afternoon movie
Joke you told?: i dont know
Song you've sang?: a choir song <- dork
Time you've looked at the clock?: right now 955
Drink you've had?: flavored water. yum
Number you've dialed?: home
Book you've read?: im in the middle of a book called evasions
Food you've eaten?: waffles with apples lol
Flavor of gum chewed?: spearmint
Shoes you've worn?: sneakers, but now its slippers
Store you've been in?: i havet really been to a store in a while
Thing you've said?: night
* . . Can You . . *
Write with both hands?: yea, not very well with my left hand
Whistle?: mhm
Blow a bubble?: Yep
Roll your tounge in a circle?: yes
Cross your eyes?: yea
Touch your tounge to your nose?: no:[
Dance?: im a dancing fool
Gleek?: como what?
Stay up a whole night without sleep?: sure
Speak a different language?:a little french, a little spanish. and i mean very little
Impersonate someone?: Not really
Prank call people?: i can, but i dont
Make a card pyramid?: yea, i have a picture of one i made. its the highlight of my life lol
Cook anything?: Yeah
* . . Finish The Line . . *
If i were a ...: smart girl id still be at uri
I wish ...: i could drive like whoa
So many people don't know that ...: i hate when people throw or drop colored pencils
I am ...: rachel. and who might you be?
My heart is ...: in need of some lovin'
Just Your Typical Random Quiz
Are you a gambler?: not really
Have you ever cried at a Disney film?: Yep Lion King
When was the last time you were star struck?: uhm when ted leo was like one foot away from me and i couldnt bring myself to say hello to him
Do you believe in God?: not really
What's your favourite conspiracy theory?: oh there are so many good ones though
Know any good drummer jokes?: no
What's the most embarrasing item of clothing you own/owned?:this green jacket that ruffles on the bottom and has a big bow in the middle lol
What do/did your parents want you to do with your life?: be something im not..but fuck that
Do you have a fail proof chat up line?: huh?
What non-musical talents do you have?: im "good" as graham says haha
Did you ever have an imaginary friend?: No
What's the lamest joke you know?: :tissue?? but i hardly know you!
Do you have any weird phobias?: i dont think so.
Have you ever designed your own one-off t-shirt?: yea, i never make them though
How vain are you?: very vain
Can you keep a secret?: yeah
Who would you have as a celebrity sex slave for one night?: ew no thanks
How dark is your dark side?: muwahahaha
When's the last time you threw up from too much candy?: never i think
Have you ever stalked anyone?: NO
Who's better - Sally [The Nightmare Before Christmas] or The Corpse Bride: oh they both have such nice qualities
Can you make a cake?: Sure
What was the last album you bought?:its been a while
When was the last time you got in a fight?: i dont think ive ever been in like a real fight
Who's your favourite writer?: i dont have one
Where's the best place you've been this year?: uhm.. probably the cool record store graham took me to
If you were a victim on C.S.I, how would you die?: uhm.. i dont know??
What's your favourite ice cream flavour?: grasshopper mint pie
Have you ever been arrested?: no
What was your biggest fear as a kid?: i dont know. i have such a bad memory
When was the last time you did any housework?: today
Can exes be friends?: yusss
Where in the world would you like to visit?: back to ireland, scotland, all across america
Who would play you in a movie?: uhm, i dont know..but ilike anne hathaway shes neat even though she looks nothing like me
Have you ever been in a school play?: no
Have you ever ordered anything from an infomercial?: no
Money or love?: lovelovelove
Who's more metal - The Spice Girls or Pussycat Dolls?: spice girls..duh
Last bad film you saw?: i dont know
Tony Blair vs George Bush in a dance-off - who'd win?: Tony Blair
Dogs or cats?: dogs
Constipation or diarrhoea?: ew
Have you ever eaten dog food?: no
What's the worst injury you've ever sustained?: i dont get injured
If you could go back to any historical period in time, where would you go?: the flapper era
Who's the last person you'd like to be stuck in a lift with?: someone stinky and fat and ..homeless whos a rapist
If you were absolutley certain to get away with it what crime would you do?: rob a bank, free all the animals from the zoo
Did you ever have a hamster as a child?: no
What's your pornstar name [First pet/first street name]?: polly montgomery
If you have kids, what are you gonna call them?: arienette and giacamo
Have you ever been in hospital?: yes
If you were a character on The Simpsons, who would you be?: that weird nerdy boy
Would you drink your own urine if the price was right?: no
Ever said I love you and not meant it?: yes
What's the most terrified you've been?: i dont know
Who do you trust?: a select few
When do you start shopping for christmas?: like a week before x mas
Have you ever extracted revenge on anyone?: :no
Have you ever tied a cat in a plastic bag and dropped it off a building?: No!!
Given the choice, would you rather have a bat or a vulture?: Bat
Ponytail or bunches?: whats a bunch??
How much time do you spend on the computer each week?: like 10
What's your favourite month?: something in the spring
When was the last time you came into contact with a dead animal?: i dont know
Have you ever got stuck in a bin?: hah no
Have you been bullied/bullied someone?: sadly yes ive been bullied
Who do you hate most out of your family?: eh yea
What is your current favourite song?: the one on the radio about getting jerseys :]
Do you like butter?: on bread
When was the last time you were in a field?: when i was in ireland
Do you own any perfume?: yeah
Can you name 11 states?: RI, mass, new hampshire, california, blah blah blah thios bores me
Would you rather be stabbed, drowned or set on fire?: Stabbed
Have you ever tried making pasta?: like actually making it?? no