Wednesday morning I was finally able to get into work early to use the fitness centre there and push out a morning workout. The closure on the 401 in the morning threw a bit of a twist into the timing of everything (gggrrrr - West End driving sucks!) so I had to cut it a bit short. I did:
6 rounds for time:
10 push ups
10 squats
10 sit ups
My time was: 8:00. Not the greatest but not too bad considering I pushed out 'Helen' less then 12 hours beforehand.
I did a double workout on Thursday! You all probably think I'm nuts, but it was great.
I woke up and got into work early to push out the same workout as we did on Sunday:
20 rounds for time:
5 push ups
5 squats
5 sit ups
My time was: 12:30. I wanted to work on my push ups a lot this week to prep for the Murph on Sunday.
Thursday night I went to my regular outdoor workout at the park. DT planed a killer WOD for us and oh boy did I feel the morning workout! We did:
With a 45 lbs bar,
AMRAP 15: (As Many Rounds As Possible in 15 minutes)
5 Thrusters
7 Power Cleans
10 SDHU (Sumo Deadlift High Pull)
My goal was 10, I did 11!!!! DT did 13, so I was *almost* on par with him! I was screaming through the SDHPs, probably because of having recently done 'Jackie' (there were 100 in that workout). This WOD gassed you out; I was completely done when those 15 minutes were over. I felt awesome. Surprisingly, I did not puke ;)
Friday morning I ran a slow, easy 4 K to loosen up my legs and nothing else. Saturday was a rest day to help prep for the Murph.
Wish me luck with the repeat of the full rep Murph tonight! I'm excited and nervous at the same time. My goal: do full push ups (all 200) as part of the routine. I'll let you know how I do, and my time, tomorrow.