only animals with too many tools

Nov 20, 2005 19:25

Frankenstein, Spankenstein. Damn you Mary Shelley. You're writing is beautiful but goodness, you could sum up what you try to say in three paragraphs per chapter...max! You just like to go on and onnnnn, don't you!?
Well, I saw Harry Potter, and a cried and peed and laughed all together. and I realize that I'm a dork for not reading them. I'm a dorkasaurus.
I'm an even larger dork for never having read The Chronicles of Narnia. Why didnt my elementary teacher make us read that? I was all WHATS THAT GUYS!? when everyone in the theatre was flipping out about it being a film now. So this break I'm not going to advance my reading, but rather read a book that I should have read in 4th grade. If I get confused or frustrated because I don't understand, I think I'll just stop reading forever. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

I wonder what Thanksgiving means to other people. To me it means being at the Frio River and dreaming by the fire. And literally, that's it. I lay around for 5 days and think and dream and draw MAYBE. And we tube. We tube every year in the freezing water and nearly die, then we go back to the fire. This is my favorite place in the entire world, and I intend to be completely happy there. I'm not going to take any negative thoughts, or any responsibilities. I'm not going to think about people that make me sad and things that make me mad. Im going to eat my smores and snore. and love

and then ill come back and be a better person. maybe?
the other day someone helped me realize my calling in life; im going to learn how to make those crazy mexican spray-paint pictures, and get good at them, and move to mexico. ill make 20 or so bucks a pop, make 10 or so a day, and live on the beach. There I'll meet a european and we'll catch fish together for the rest of our lives. And he'll like to dance with me! because dancing is good.
or i could just go to college. but really, do i really want that? ehhh
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