scratch my previous entry...

Jun 09, 2006 23:34

I thought I had pretty good friends here in St. Louis. And I do still think that about some of them. But I'm pretty pissed at a couple right now.

I was supposed to go out with them tonight, but my dad decided we should go out to dinner to celebrate my sister's return from Europe. So when my friend called to give me details, I told her I would meet up with them after dinner. On the way home from dinner, she called me and asked if I was home yet. She then said that she'd call when they were ready to leave the bar, and I could meet them at the next place they went. A half an hour went by, so I called her instead. She answered and said they were planning to leave soon and were going to our other friend's apartment to hang out. She said she would call me when they were ready to leave and give me directions. Well, it's been about 3 hours since that phone call. I never tried calling her again because I didn't feel like I should have to. She said she'd call me. Obviously, she was having too much fun, and I just was not a big concern for her. It just kind of made me angry. Because I could've just met up with them where they were, but she never had the curtesy to call and let me know what was going on.

Luckily, it still ended up being a pretty decent night. We did go out to dinner and have good food. I got to watch Cheaper By the Dozen 2 with my family (I can't help but love that movie). And I got to spend some quality time with Lindsey who I missed a lot when she was gone. My favorite part was when we went to the video store to rent some new movies and return our old ones. We always end up walking around looking at all the new releases and this time we were making fun of some of them. And the thing you have to understand about the Hollywood Video we rent from is that the neighborhood is predominantly black, and you can tell that from the movies on the wall. Like they have maybe two shelves of Rumor Has It but an entire wall of Barbarshop 2. You get the idea-- I just find it amusing that the demand for certain movies in our area is so obvious. Anyway, Lindsey was describing the plot of this one movie to me, I can't remember the name. What she basically said to me was, "This black girl has the perfect life, and she's dating this sexy black guy, but then she meets this white guy and starts to fall for him and all her friends are like oh no you didn't, oh yes she did, uh-uh, mmm-hmm." Of course, you obviously needed to be there to get the full effect of her saying it. We always have fun there. The last time we got movies together, we ended up with Rent and Brokeback Mountain. I think my sister was worried they would think we were a lesbian couple. Or worse, liberals! Lol. But I pointed out that if we were lesbians, we wouldn't rent Brokeback Mountain for that reason anyway.

I really didn't mean to go on for this long. I'm just trying to kill time until Rachel gets home. Oh no, I'm missing Conan! He had this "Evil Puppy" the other night because of 6/6/06 and it was the cutest and funniest thing ever. It was this little lab puppy sitting on a throne of skulls and they played dramatic music and had this scary red lighting over everything. Oh and there were Grim Reapers behind it. Anyway, I'm gonna go watch Conan now!

By the way-- remember this icon??? LOL.
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