I'll Be Chapter 8

Oct 08, 2011 01:04

Title:  I'll Be   (8/30)
Rating: NC-17
Pairings: Benji/Joel
Summary:  Benji Madden is turning 23 today.  He is starting a new job on Monday at the Lakeview County School System as the Administrator for all the buses, routes, and busdrivers in the county.  Life is finally getting on track and he is just as happy not having to put up with the bother of a relationship.  However, tonight, his friends have set him up with a very special birthday surprise...Joel Combs is turning 18 today.  He is the reigning Chess Champion in the state of Maryland, three years running now, soon to be four.  All his life, he has never fit in and is a terminal geek.  When two of the most popular guys in his senior class offer to help him celebrate his birthday, how could he reisist...As the paths of these two men cross unexpectedly, will they be just another love suicide, never revealing their depth?  Or will they be able to see that they belong together...and become the greatest fan of each other's life?  (AU and Twins are not related...so no guilt, lol)

And cue the Disclaimer:  I don’t own or know the Madden twins. This never happened. I have not, did not, and will never ever make any money off of this. The story is purely a work of fiction.

Notes:  I know it has been a while but this fiction is still on-going.  I am thrilled people still visit here so to all of you faithful readers and reviewers, thank you so much and I hope you enjoy!

Chapter 1 I'll Be Your Crying Shoulder part 1
Chapter 1 I'll Be Your Crying Shoulder part 2 
Chapter 2 The Strands In Your Eyes That Color Them Wonderful 
Chapter 3 Stop Me And Steal My Breath  
Chapter 4 Emeralds From Mountains 
Chapter 5 Thrust Toward The Sky
Chapter 6 - Never Revealing Their Depth
 Chapter 7 Tell Me That We Belong Together

Chapter 8 - Dress It Up With Trappings Of Love

The light filtered in bright and clear on to the bed in Joel's room. He opened his eyes and found himself face to face with the man that he had dreamed about, all night long. Benji looked so peaceful and content. He was lying on his left side and Joel was on his right. His right hand was on Joel's left hand and his breathing was deep and even. For the longest time, Joel lay there memorizing his face and timing his own breaths so that they were synchronized with each one Benji took.

He couldn't believe it had been almost a week since he and Benji had played ‘Principal'. The days had flown by, each one ending in each other's arms. School had been surprisingly easy and Benji seemed to always manage to get done in time to pick him up. Of course, Joel had spent a lot of time preparing for his chess tournament and that meant spending hours after school. Yet, it all worked out perfectly. Benji could easily pick him up without raising suspicion because Joel was almost always the last person on campus.

After dinner, it was their time. Just the two of them laughing, talking, and exploring the far reaches of their own private world. It felt like they had always been together, so much so, Joel had a difficult time remembering what it was like before Benji had come into his life. Granted, their beginning had been unplanned and rather distressing, but Joel would gladly have relived that wonderful, awful night a thousand times if it meant he would get to be with Benji like this now each time.

Benji stretched and Joel thought for a moment he might be waking up, but he rolled over on his other side, letting go of Joel's hand. That left Joel contemplating whether or not to stay and spoon into him or get up and fix breakfast. He was hungry and what is more, since breakfast the previous Saturday had been ruined at Benji's house by Tony, Joel wanted to make up for it here at his house. All week they had pretty much stayed at Joel's because Tony and Paul were still camping out at Benji's place. That had been just fine with Joel because he wasn't quite ready to fully make peace with Benji's obnoxious friend. Well there was that and the fact Joel loved having ‘Benj' all to himself with no distractions.

Opting, finally, for breakfast, Joel carefully crawled out of bed and put on his glasses, so as not to disturb his lover. Padding into the kitchen, he quickly started a pot of coffee and began to prepare their meal. Smiling as he worked, he decided this was a perfect chance to surprise Benji. Taking out a tray, he kept an eye on the skillet as he prepared orange juice and poured coffee. Each task seemed to make him anticipate the moment he would present his offering up to Benji more. Joel shook his head when he caught his reflection off of the kitchen sink's window. He looked way too happy about something as normal as cooking breakfast.

It was a lot more than that, for certain.

How much more?

Placing the plate on the tray, Joel paused. He honestly hadn't really stopped to think about what had been happening to him these past few days. This was the first time he had thought to take a look at it. Joel knew the reason for his happiness. It was easy to see: it was Benji. Yet, he could no longer ignore the fact that there was something else about all of this too. Something wonderful had occurred inside him and the joy of it was spilling out into everything he thought, said, and did. His heartbeat fluttered slightly as he realized the truth.
He must be falling in love.

A look of awe spread out on his adorable face as he let that fact settle in his mind. It had taken him by surprise. Joel had never been in love before and in all truth, he'd thought it would feel and be different than this. He had thought it would be an overwhelming, instant sensation, kind of like the hormonal rush that happened from desire and lust. But this had been soft, gentle, and unobtrusive. The feelings had slowly inundated themselves into every part of his being. They were as natural to him now as breathing and becoming just as vital. With every passing moment, they became stronger and more vibrant.

Picking up the tray, Joel knew one thing for certain: he never wanted any of this to end.

Benji stretched and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. Letting his arms fall down, he immediately noticed the terrible fact that he was alone in Joel's bed. A frown formed as he glanced around, listening closely, to try and determine where his boyfriend had gone. Unable to hear anything, his mind went back to the word he had just used.


Yes, that most definitely fit what Joel was to him. The title had not been given to many by him. Benji knew, however, that in this case, it was irrevocably true...and he liked that fact. He could easily see himself with Joel five, ten, and even twenty years from now. They fit together very well and the more Benji got to know about his teen lover, the more he liked.

A huge smile spread on his face as he recalled his cute, badass Chess geek. The way he would sing off key to the Clash in the car and how Joel always wanted to sleep on the same side of the bed, were just a couple of the things Benji loved about his baby. He loved Joel's intelligence and how he could strategize so well when playing Chess. Benji loved his sense of humor and the way Joel's eyes lit with fire when he got angry. And Benji truly loved the passion Joel lived life with both in and out of the bedroom. In fact, it was very difficult for Benji to find something about Joel he didn't love.

The smile on his face faltered. Wait. Did he just use the word love?

No, no, no. He meant liked. He liked all of those things about Joel. Yeah. The other four letter word was not something he should use when referring to his baby. Benji had learned long ago it was dangerous to throw that word around. Grimacing, he scolded himself for his lack of restraint. That word was not what would make a successful partnership between he and Joel. The two things that mattered most in relationships were trust and communication. They shared both of these now and the other word was just trivial. People didn't understand it and it was so overused, Benji refused to conform and embrace the cliché.

He wasn't in love with Joel; he couldn't be. The feeling was stronger than any ‘love' Benji had ever known in his life and refused to cheapen what he felt for Joel by resorting to the use of that word to describe it now. Benji cared too damn much for his boyfriend to do that to him.


Turning his head, he saw Joel standing at the doorway, holding a tray laden with food. "Hey! I was wondering where you wandered off to. What is this?" He gestured to the tray and scooted up into a sitting position.

"Breakfast in bed," Joel smiled and set it down gently on the bed.

"Wow," Benji smiled back, impressed and touched. "It looks and smells fantastic. Is that French toast?"

"Mmmhmm," Joel nodded as he handed Benji a cup. "Kind of a specialty here at Casa Joel."

"I can't wait to taste it then," He grinned at the teen then leaned over his coffee and pecked his cheek. "Thank you."

Joel blushed as his mind thought dirty thoughts. "You are very welcome."

Taking a bite, Benji's eyes widened. "Damn, this is excellent!"

"You really like it?"

"Yes!" Benji affirmed, taking another bite. "I had no idea you could cook...and cook well!"

"It's a standard installation on all Chess nerds," Joel joked and Benji laughed.

"Lucky me," Benji wiggled his eyebrows. "My boyfriend happens to be one of those cute nerds."

Joel swallowed hard.

Benji had just called him his boyfriend.

Shoveling in the last bite, Benji relished it once more, oblivious to the shock he had just given his teenaged companion. "Seriously, Joel, you can cook for me anytime."

Blinking like an owl, Joel watched as Benji finished off the OJ and started back on his coffee. He wanted to say something, find out if Benji meant what he had said. Just as he finally found the right words, the phone rang. He sighed and went to answer it in the hall.

"Hello? Um, sure, just a moment," Joel laid the phone down on the hall table and walked back the short distance to his room. Folding his arms over his chest, he gestured toward the phone with his head. "It's for you; your friend Tony, I think."

"Oh," Benji exclaimed and quickly pushed the food and drink away, carefully scrambling out of bed. Adjusting his boxers, he paused briefly to pop kiss Joel's cheek before answering the phone. "Yeah? Hey. Nah, I was awake, I just have my cell phone off while it is recharging. Yeah, he's up too. Get your mind out of the gutter, we were having breakfast! Tony, I'm not discussing my sex life with you, Dude! Whatever. Huh? Oh shit! I forgot that's due, thanks for telling me...or thank Paul. Uh-uh, I heard him remind you, asshole. Yeah I'll got take care of that right now. Tonight? Well, let me see okay?"

Turning back to his boyfriend, Benji smiled. "Hey Joel?"


"Paul and Tony want to take us out tonight," Benji told him, a look of hope on his face. "They are getting ready to go back out on tour with their band and this will be the last chance we have to hang out. What do you say?"

Joel hid his true reaction and said the only thing he felt he could say. "Okay."

"Great!" Benji grinned and Joel found himself grinning back because of the happiness on his lover's face. "We're up for it Tone. What time? Sounds great! I'll be over in a bit to get ready. Okay. Peace!"

"So what time are we going and where to?" Joel asked forcing enthusiasm for Benji's sake.

"We are taking off at 7 p.m. and we'll just be hanging out, so I'll be here to pick you up around 6:30," Benji walked into Joel's room, searching for his clothes.

"You're leaving?" Joel said, unable to hide his distress. "It's only eleven."

"I know," Benji said ruefully, putting his pants and then shirt. "But I have a couple things I have to do before we go out, bills that I have to pay. I also have to get my car serviced and some other work stuff. It will only be a couple of hours and then we can enjoy the evening and I'll be completely free tomorrow."

Joel ached. He didn't want Benji to leave and his plans for the morning were now ruined. Doing his best, he tried to be understanding. "That makes sense. So I guess we'll see each other tonight."

Slipping on his sneakers, Benji grabbed his wallet and unplugged his cell phone as he turned it on, putting it in his pocket. Joel handed him his keys and they headed down toward the door. Joel tried very hard not to express his true feelings. After all, the two of them had been together overly much this past week and he did respect the fact Benji had things he must do. He just wished the older man would take him along too.

"What should I wear?" Joel asked as an afterthought trying to fill up his mind with something other than self-pity as Benji reached the door.

"Anything as long as it is hot and tight," Benji raised his eyebrows over and again, making Joel snicker. "Other than that, it's up to you. Just make sure you dress it up, baby."

"Tight, I probably have, but there's nothing hot in my wardrobe," Joel rolled his eyes and was startled as Benji suddenly turned and pulled him close.

"Joely," Benji leaned in and kissed his lips softly. "You always make the clothes hot...and me too."

It was quite difficult for Joel to breathe at that compliment. "Benj..."

"I'm going to miss you," Benji continued, languidly kissing his lover's mouth. "But then I always miss my bad-ass, sex-kitten, boyfriend when I'm apart from him."

"Your boyfriend?" Joel repeated, returning Benji's kisses. "Is that what I am? What we are?"

Moving back a bit, Benji looked Joel in the eyes. "Yes...I mean as long as that is okay with you."

Happiness washed through Joel like rainwater. "Yes, its fine with me."

Their lips met again and Benji slowly began to forget that he had errands to run. Joel was coaxing him to take the lead and when he felt the teen totally relax in his arms, Benji growled. He willingly accepted the younger man's offer and possessively took control of Joel's mouth. With each velvety stroke of his tongue, Benji recalled what it had been like their first time and started imagining tied Joel up again. All too soon, his fantasy became more than he could stand and he broke the kiss panting.

"Damn," Benji swore, unable to resist kissing Joel's neck as he tried to calm his raging lust. "I think you kiss even better as my official boyfriend."

Joel laughed and hugged Benji even closer to him. "I was keeping it in reserve for later."

"Reserve," Benji snorted. "More like you were holding out on me Combs."

"Well I can't really let it all go yet," Joel leaned back a bit so he could see the older man's eyes. "If I did, you and I would be upstairs right now..."

Joel licked Benji's bottom lip, enjoying the unique taste.

"...with me tied down..."

Benji inhaled sharply, images of Joel bound and waiting for him searing his brain, as the full realization hit him he and his lover were fantasizing/wanting the same thing.

"...and you about to fuck me the way you think I most deserve."

"Joel," Benji strangled out, his hands now gripping the teen's hips way too hard. "That wasn't fair."

"Neither is this," Joel whispered and slid down to the floor in front of Benji on his knees. Working quickly, he had Benji's pulsing manhood out before his boyfriend knew what was happening. He licked the head of Benji's granite hard cock and swirled his tongue around it.

"Oh god!" Benji yelped and tried to move away only to find his back against the vestibule wall. "More!"

Adjusting his glasses, Joel gave his lover what he wanted. The last week had been a great time of putting all of his ‘oral theories' into use. He was quite proud of the fact that with very few exceptions he had done well with his favorite ‘studies'. Benji always came hard and quite soon, making Joel tease him about premature ejaculation. But he told Joel that it had more to do with the teen's skill than his lack of control.

"Joel, it's so good," Benji gasped, his fingers in the young man's hair. "And you're mine...my boyfriend..."

Joel moaned at those words and Benji cried out from the vibrations in Joel's throat. Thrusting hard, he pushed his cock down Joel's virgin throat. It was something they hadn't done yet and Benji didn't mean to do it all at once they way he had just done it. Resisting the urge to choke, Joel backed off Benji fast and panted.

"Sorry," Benji groaned, his entire body throbbing with a need to release. "Your voice...made it too good..."

Before Joel could answer, Benji's cell phone rang.

They looked at each other as it rang again.

Joel knew, just like Benji, who it was from the ringtone. He also knew he could handle this one of two ways. First, he could insist his lover refuse to answer the phone and continue on with their mutual fun. Or second, he could let Benji take the call. Of course, he liked the first option the best but as he considered the fact they were going to be doing only God knew what tonight with Benji's friends, a new idea formed in his mind. Benji always called him a sex kitten...and kitten's in general, were famous for their teasing games, weren't they?

"You should answer that," Joel said, as he stood up, never breaking eye contact with his boyfriend. "It might be important."

"I somehow doubt that. Hello?" Benji huffed as he opened his cell, none too happy to be interrupted and even less happy about the fact his adorable Chess geek actually wanted him to take the call. "Yes, I know about it, and I'm heading out to take care of it right now. Okay, I'll meet you there."

"That was considerate of Tony to remind you again," Joel said, cocking his head to one side and making sure he gave Benji one his ‘looks' as his boyfriend called them.

"Wasn't Tone," Benji swallowed, his body still on fire and his eyes locked on his gorgeous boyfriend's face. "It was Paul. He wanted to make sure Tony didn't screw up the message."

"That's nice," Joel smiled and let his hand fall to Benji's hip. Lightly, he rubbed circles on it with his thumb. "Benj?"

"Yes, Joely?" Benji's eyes were closed to slits as he moved his hips and his bare cock brushed against Joel's pajama clad one.

Kissing Benji with just his lips, Joel whispered against them as he deftly put his boyfriend's cock back in his pants. "You really need to get going."

It took Benji a second to realize his dick was no longer exposed. Looking down and then back up, his face became a mask of disappointment and discomfort.

"Why did you do that?"

"Because," Joel let his hand gently rub over the bulge between Benji's legs. "I respect the fact you have things to do and I don't want to delay you."

"Delay me!" Benji rushed out. "Please!"

"No," Joel shook his head, but lowered his eyelashes in what he hoped was a seductive way. "I know you need to get things done...and besides...I have to get ready for tonight."

Benji watched as Joel broke contact and moved backwards down the hall. He knew he could force the issue between them. It wouldn't take much to get Joel to comply, but Benji was rooted in place by the look in the teen's eyes. The way Joel had said ‘tonight' held such promise, Benji could already feel the anticipation rising inside him. He knew he was caught in Joel's little game and seeing it through was starting to override his impertinent physical need of the moment.

"Why do I feel like prey being lured out?" Benji smirked, his eyes caressing the boy he had just held in his arms seconds ago.

Joel licked his lips, his adrenaline pumping as he fought his nerves so that he could maintain a sexy pose and voice for his lover. He really wanted to do this right and so far...so good.

"That's because I'm the hunter this time," Joel said his voice taking on a husky note. "So you better run because with the trappings and cages I've set, it's only a matter of time."

Strong currents ran between them as Benji gazed hotly at Joel. "Alright, Hunter, I'm game. Good luck moving in for the kill."

"No," Joel shook his head slightly, enjoying the heat they had caused. "I don't wish you dead."

"Not into corpses?" Benji quipped and Joel laughed, shaking his head again. "Good, because I prefer being alive, especially now that I have something worth living for."

Joel almost abandoned his game when he heard Benji say that. The emotions welling up inside of him were also shining through in Benj's eyes. His feet moved toward him and Benji didn't help his resolve at all, looking at Joel wantonly. It took every ounce of Joel's willpower to respond correctly and not jump on his boyfriend with declarations of love. "This is a humane hunt; more of a race, really. To the victor, go the spoils. And I'm going to win. I'm going to catch you."

"Catch me?" Benji's eyes softened as he opened the front door to leave. "It's too late, Joel. I'm already caught."

The door closed behind him and Joel knew for certain he really was falling in love.

End Notes:
A/N2:  Now don't get overly excited, but this story now has an ongoing stockpile.  Yes, that means you should be getting weekly updates on it now :)  The next to update will be Irresistible and then Cry and Abducted.  Thanks for all the reads and reviews!  You guys totally rock :D

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