Cry Little Sister Chapter 16

Oct 08, 2011 00:25

Title: Cry Little Sister (Taken from song by Gerard McCann)
Author:  Legna_angeLs
Rating:  NC-17, abuse, incest, graphic sex, language, violence
Pairings:  Benji/Joel  Good Charlotte
Summary:  Sarah sets off a dark chain of events when she catches her 16 year-old brothers innocently enjoying a risqué magazine.
Disclaimer:  Don’t know or own anyone. This is fiction and no money will ever be made from it.
Notes:   This is for all of you that still read the twincest fictions! 
The entire fiction is almost finished and this chapter is the half-way
point.  Thank you to everyone that responded to my post below this and I
am quite happy ALL of you are still here :)  It's good to know I am not
alone.  I will continue to post at Maddens and on my personal journal
with my Madden threesome fics.  Hope all of you enjoy!

Chap 1 Cry Little Sister   
Chap 2 Thou Shall Not Fall   
Chap 3 A Last Fire Will Rise   
Chap 4 Behind Those Eyes    
Chap 5 Black House    
Chap 6 Will Rock  
Chap 7 Blind Boys  
Chapter 8 Don't Lie
Chapter 9 Immortal 
Chapter 10 - Fear
Chapter 11 - That Voice, So Clear
Chapter 12 Through Broken Walls, That Scream I Hear Part One
Chapter 12 Through Broken Walls, That Scream I Hear Part Two
Chapter 13 Come To Your Brother
Chapter 14 Thou Shall Not Die
Chapter 15 - Blue Masquerade, Strangers Look On

Chapter 16 - When Will They Learn

Joel sat on a stone bench just a few yards from the entrance of the hospital.

The world had gone crazy.  He was certain of it.  Any second now he expected fire and brimstone; the moon to turn to blood; and the sun to go supernova, all of it was inevitable.   The Earth had been moved several degrees off its axis with the agonizing events of this day.  Things had happened that could never be undone.  Wheels were now in motion and constantly changing everything he knew and had thought would be the same forever.  All the broken pieces of his life scattered.  Most of these fragments were now unsalvageable.  Even what could be fixed…well, it might not be enough.

Not enough.  Not by a long shot.

Twice today Joel had died.  The first time was by far the most horrific.  From the moment Joel saw the vision of Benji bleeding on the floor of their apartment, everything was a blur until he actually got to their front door.  That’s when all hell broke loose and he was the one who broke it; literally.

Joel gasped, out of breath from running so hard from the police car.  He tried a key but realized the deadbolt was locked and a key was broke off in it.  He threw the keys down and prepared to go through that door one way or the other.


“Easy, Joel,”  Sergeant Miller cautioned running up with his partner.  “Keys?”

“Locks are blocked,”  His partner said after retrieving them and trying the locks.


“Joel!”  The Sergeant snapped.  “Give us a moment, we will get to him.”  Nodding toward the door he said to his partner, “Let’s break it down.”

Both cops followed procedure and tried to kick through the door together.

The deadbolt held fast.  Joel’s jaw clenched in frustration as the men prepared to do it once more.


For a second try, the deadbolt still held.  Joel blood pounded in his head as a source of strength he didn’t know he possessed rose up within him.


“NO!”  Joel bellowed, knowing time was almost up for his brother.  It was time to go through the fucking door.  “MOVE!”

The two men had just enough time to get out of the adrenaline rushed teen’s way.  Joel hurled his entire body at the door, no reserve.



Joel was through the door!

“BENJI!!! OH GOD, NO!!!!”

After it was all over, the cops asked him how he’d done it: gotten through the door.  Joel didn’t know what to tell them.  They described how the solid oak door had not only been torn off its hinges but Joel actually rent it in two!  He didn’t fall either but rushed straight to his twin.  More amazing still, he did not break one bone, have any cuts or splinters to show for it.

Oh, but if the same could have been said for Benji.

Bile rose in Joel’s throat as he recalled the blue look to his twin’s lips.  He had been icy to the touch and the blood was like a dark sanguine lake all around him.  Benji looked so peaceful in spite of it all.  Joel gathered his cold body and cradled him.  His angel had fallen and broken but was beautiful all the same, lying in his arms still as stone. Wearing death with frozen serenity, he was the opposite of the blazing inferno he had been in life.

It seemed wrong when the two policemen reached for him to perform CPR.

Joel knew he had fought them.  Why couldn’t they just leave Benji alone?  Hadn’t the world, Society that is, done enough?  When will they learn some things can not change?  Twins do everything together.  They are conceived at the same time; come into this world together; and now they would leave it together.  Just leave them be, there was nothing left to do or see.  Thanks for the help but it’s no longer wanted or needed.  He just wanted to be alone with Benji until he could lie down with him…and freeze too.

Joel heard a car drive past him, causing the wind to whip into his face.  He didn’t budge from the hospital bench.  His unseeing eyes continued reliving his deaths.  One moment Joel had been in their apartment, the next he was in the back of an ambulance and the medics were frantically working on Benji.

“I’ve got the bleeding stopped and have his heartbeat again, but he needs more blood now!”

“We can’t move any faster on this freeway.  The wreck up ahead will still delay us several minutes.”

Joel watched as the ultimate nightmare continued to play out in front of him.  His glazed eyes wouldn’t cry.  Benji.  That’s all that mattered and now he was gone…

“Do you know his blood type, Sir?”

The apparatus on Benji’s mouth and nose was so unnecessary to Joel.  It prohibited him from touching him and seeing his face.  The face that was identical to his own but to Joel he was unique and far more handsome.  Maybe they would take the mask off if he asked…

“Sir?  Are you related?  Do you know his blood type?!”

Related?  Oh yes, they were and that was really the source of all their problems wasn’t it?  A sick, cosmic joke that cruelly placed the two of them in forbidden throes of passion, knowing that neither man could resist, and that they would never be able to be together in this life.  And blood…type…what?

“Sir, we are trying to save his life!  Are you his brother?”

Save.  Save?  Did they say…save?

“He’s dead,” Joel said flatly.

“No!  He isn’t, but he will be if he doesn’t get blood fast and we are still too far to wait until we arrive at the hospital!”

“He needs blood?” Slowly, the truth began to hit Joel.

“Yes!  You two look like twins.  If he is your full blood brother, we can use your blood and possibly save his life.  We are wasting time!  Tell us!”

Joel’s mind cleared as he fought back to…save him…he could…SAVE HIM!

“I’m his identical twin!”  Joel shouted, ripping off his jacket.  “Tell me what to do!”

Joel closed his eyes, remembering the frantic bite of hope he had felt knowing Benji did have a chance.  He smiled grimly.  Blood?  His blood?  They could have all of it if it would save his twin.  By the time they reached the emergency room, he was tethered to his twin by life-giving tubes.  It had been 17 years ago this very night that he and Benji had last shared a blood supply via a connector in the womb.  Maybe it was only fitting that they should do it again now.

Rubbing his eyes with his fingers, Joel felt the moisture there, but he didn’t care.  Let the world see him cry.  He was too damned grateful at the moment and in spite of the shit storm headed their way, he would always be grateful to those medics.

They brought Benji back from the jaws of death and helped Joel give him life.

Wiping his eyes, Joel knew there was still a long road ahead.  The doctor had just told him all about it.  Benji was alive, yes, but had fallen into a coma.  How long it would last was unknown.  The worst part was, until he did wake up, they would not know the extent of any other injuries or damage that may have occurred due to the loss of blood.  Still, the doctor said it was already a miracle his twin had made it this far and he was optimistic given Benji’s fighting spirit and youth that he would somehow recover.

Yes, even with the uncertainties, Benji was alive.

But the Grim Reaper still had both of their numbers.

Joel looked around the parking lot then checked his watch.  The world would end in about an hour.  Standing up, Joel walked back inside and headed to the Intensive Care waiting room so he could meet their doom for them both.  Bypassing the elevator, he took the long way.  He moved mechanically up the stairs as he marveled at the irony of their impending demise.

The Police had put Rocko in prison and the bastard hadn’t succeeded in kidnapping Joel or in killing Benji.

The medics and doctors had done a phenomenal job helping Benji to live.

And then all of them, Rocko, the Police, and the Hospital, had killed them both.

Rocko had written their real last name on the back of the picture along with their adopted name of Madden.  Routinely, the Police checked them out in their data banks.  Sergeant Miller had fired the first shot.  He broke the news to Joel that because they were still 16, and listed as runaways, the Police had informed the hospital of their age and of their parents contact information.  He said they also had an obligation to inform their parents of twins’ whereabouts as well as the incidents that had taken place.  If they had been 17, Joel could have declined the disclosure to their parents.

One day, just one little day, destroyed them.

Joel reached the top of the stairs and entered the waiting room still in shock about it.  He had argued vehemently that their 17th Birthday was tomorrow, only hours away!  Joel was successful to the point that Sergeant Miller had been about to look the other way.  But fate was against them: Benji needed more blood…and only their parents could give the okay because he was 16.  They had to call Mr. and Mrs. Combs, and that is just what the hospital did.  Benji got the blood he needed and their parents caught a plane.  He heard from Sergeant Miller that their parents were in deed on their way there.

That was the moment Joel had died for the second time.

End Notes:
A/N2:  To the best of my knowledge, it is true in most states that at 17 you can legally leave home without being forced to return.  However, unless it is life or death, those under 18 must have a parent or legal guardian, sign off on medical care from 'critical' on up.
We are now half way through the story and the song.  Thank you to all readers and reviewers, much love!  Next chapter on deck is Chapter 17 - This Loneliness and it will post sometime this weekend.

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