Cry Little Sister Chapter 15

Aug 04, 2011 18:57

Title: Cry Little Sister (Taken from song by Gerard McCann)
Author:  Legna_angeLs
Rating:  NC-17, abuse, incest, graphic sex, language, violence
Pairings:  Benji/Joel  Good Charlotte
Summary:  Sarah sets off a dark chain of events when she catches her 16 year-old brothers innocently enjoying a risqué magazine.
Disclaimer:  Don’t know or own anyone. This is fiction and no money will ever be made from it.
Notes:   Each chapter is a line from the song.  Thanks to all readers and reviewers, much appreciated ;)

Chap 1 Cry Little Sister   
Chap 2 Thou Shall Not Fall   
Chap 3 A Last Fire Will Rise   
Chap 4 Behind Those Eyes    
Chap 5 Black House    
Chap 6 Will Rock  
Chap 7 Blind Boys  
Chapter 8 Don't Lie
Chapter 9 Immortal 
Chapter 10 - Fear
Chapter 11 - That Voice, So Clear
Chapter 12 Through Broken Walls, That Scream I Hear Part One
Chapter 12 Through Broken Walls, That Scream I Hear Part Two
Chapter 13 Come To Your Brother
Chapter 14 Thou Shall Not Die

Chapter 15 - Blue Masquerade, Strangers Look On

“Where’s Joel, Josh?”

“Shut the door, Benji.”

Benji closed it behind him without turning around.  “Where is Joel!”

“Have a seat, baby brother,”  Josh gestured to the couch, moving a safe distance out of Benji’s reach, but close enough to still shoot.

“Don’t call me that,”  Benji gritted through his teeth and slowly sat down, never taking his eyes off of Josh.  “Where is Joel?!”

“You know you are starting to sound like a broken record,”  Josh laughed without humor.  “Remember records?  We always wanted the ones Mom would never let us buy…”


“Easy there,” Josh menaced, waving the gun at him in a careless way.  “I don’t want to have to shoot you, but I will.”

Benji contemplated what he was hearing.  He had his keys still in his pocket so he took them out, knowing it was the only weapon he had other than his fists.  He honestly did not believe Josh capable of shooting him, but then again, he would never have believed his older brother would have pulled a gun on him in the first place!  Benji knew he out-weighed Josh by a good 20 pounds and felt he could take him in a fair fight.  Reminding himself the odds were considerably more in Josh’s favor with the gun, he would have to gamble that his gut was right and Josh would not shoot him if he rushed him.  It was a desperate plan, but no others came to his mind.

“Shoot me?  C’mon Josh!  I’m your fucking brother; you’re not going to shoot me.”  He stood up.

“Last warning,” Josh said mildly, as though they were discussing every day things.  “Move any closer and I pull the trigger.”


Benji lunged forward.  Suprised, Josh lowered the gun, but at the last second, he pulled the trigger.


The bullet sliced clean through the calf muscle of Benji’s left leg.  He fell to the floor, writhing in pain.  The keys in his hand hit the floor and slid toward the small dining room.  Josh looked dazed as he watched the surreal scene of his brother bleeding, the gun still smoking in his hand.  A sharp pain tore through Josh’s skull, similar to the one he’d felt a couple times in the last few months.  The flash hurt like hell, but then it left, giving him a feeling of euphoric relief.  Staring at Benji, he smirked.

“Why?”  Benji gasped.  “Why are you doing this Josh?”

“Do you really have to ask me that?”  Josh squatted down beside his brother, looking on as Benji tried to stop his bleeding frantically.  “I mean, you’ve not only disgraced our family with your wicked ways, but you’ve broken countless laws.”

In his pain filled mind, Benji barely managed to catch the insinuation.  “What?”

Josh grabbed Benji’s hair and forced him to look straight at him.  “Joel, Benji, I’m talking about this din of sin and you and Joel.”

Disbelief and fear rocked Benji to the core and for a second, it overcame his physical pain.  “What do you mean?”

“I’ve been here for a week, Benj,”  Josh nodded as he pulled harder on Benji’s hair.  “A whole week and man was it an eye opener.  You two put on quite the X-rated show!  Even left the curtains open so the whole fucking world could view your shame.”

“Josh…”  Benji sputtered, now fearing the worse. “What…you…do to…J-Joel…”

“Shut the fuck up!”  Josh growled, tossing Benji’s head back and making it hit the floor, hard.  “Now where was I?  Oh yeah, I was discussing what whores my little brothers are; so sad.  You do know they have a name for it, right?  Incest.  It carries a sentence in the state of Maryland of 5 to 10 years in prison.  It’s a fucking felony, Benj.  I looked it up.  And if I turn you in, because it’s a felony, you and Joel would have to serve no less than 9 years before they would even think of letting your asses out!”

The color drained from Benji’s face. There was no way he and Joel could serve that much time!  They would be split up too.  Tears streamed down Benji’s face as the nicked artery in his leg bled furiously, further clouding his mind and emotions.

“You know,”  Josh shook his head, running his free hand over his face.  “At first, I thought it was just that weird twin thing you two have always had.  But now I know different, oh yeah, I’ve seen it all!  Kissing, sucking…fucking; and you know what?”

Benji felt his soul tear apart as his heart rate dropped dangerously low.

“I have never felt more betrayed in my whole fucking life!”  Josh spat venomously.  “Do you know why I originally came here?  To warn you Benj; that’s right, warn you, that our Father was trying to find you.  I figured if I could get to you first, you two could evade him.  There was even this personal fantasy that somehow we three would get away, circle back, and even save Mom and Sarah.  But then right out of the blue, I saw both of you, doing things…”

“Josh, please,”  Benji sobbed, his eyes beginning to lose focus.

Josh jumped to his feet.  He kicked Benji’s wounded leg hard, making him scream.  “Hurt much?  How the hell do you think I feel then?”

Benji hiccupped softly, his bleeding had increased more due to the kick and it was making him even weaker.

“That’s right, cry,”  Josh crooned as he went and picked up Benji’s keys off the floor.  “Your masquerade is up.  I know what you and Joel are, and I can’t get over my disgust.  Out of all of my family, I am the only one who is normal!”

Josh stomped his foot hard.  “Do you hear me?  You and Joel and Sarah, you are all like our Bastard of a Father!  But I am NOT!”

Angry tears began running down Josh’s face as Benji struggled to stay conscious.

“He made me do despicable things, Benji!”  Josh grabbed a chair in their dinette set with his free hand and threw it across the room.  “He came to North Carolina, found me, and made me do…things…sick, nasty things. Things that I took on gladly because I thought I was ‘saving’ Joel and you from this same ‘terrible’ fate; but you two fuckers would have ENJOYED IT!  I GAVE EVERYTHING UP FOR BOTH OF YOU FOR NOTHING!!!”

“I’m sorry,”  Benji groaned, his body starting to feel feather-light.  “I’m so…sorry…Josh…”

“Yeah, well sorry doesn’t fucking cut it,”  Josh raged, his lips trembling.  “But I’ve had my day now; my redeeming moment.  Don’t worry, little Brother, I’m not going to send you two to jail.”

Benji closed his eyes in relief, too tired to even sob.  His eyes flew open, wildly disoriented at the shock of Josh’s next words.

“Since Joel likes being your whore so much, he can go do it and get paid for it.  I mean after all, if you are good at something, never do it for free, right?  And he must have been awful damn good because you sure couldn’t keep your hands off of him!”

Benji was horrified even though he was fading fast.  “Joel?!  No Josh…say…you…didn’t…”

“I did,”  Josh said with pride.  “Rocko has already been to your little band rehearsal and is probably at the airport as we speak.  But you?  Dad said to shoot your sorry ass.  And now because I did what he wanted, I’ll never have to degrade myself again, like Joel is gonna have to do every day until he dies.  Of course it’s true, I didn’t shoot to kill like Dad meant, but you are gonna die now anyway before somebody gets here to help you.  Actually, I think it is better this way.  You get to go out slowly, knowing your lover will be getting his just desserts.  Then you can rot away in hell until he finally joins you there.  Justice.  Perfect Justice.”

Sirens were faintly blaring as Josh retrieved his backpack, putting the gun back in then he slid on some gloves and walked to the door.

“That’s my exit cue,”  Josh looked back, seeing Benji’s eyes close for the final time.  “And your death signal.”

Benji faded out of consciousness as he spoke. His last and only thought was that he had failed Joel; as a protector; as a lover; and worst of all as his twin.

Josh walked out the door, closed it, and locked both locks with Benji’s keys.  Testing it to make sure they were secure, he broke off each key in its lock.  When the second key broke, for just a moment Josh wondered if he’d done the right thing.  But the gut wrenching memory of his first night ‘working’ for Rocko, hardened his will.  He remembered his shame and pain as total strangers looked on, watching the brutal initiation Rocko gave him into the world of male prostitution.  Josh pocketed what was left of Benji’s keys and walked away from the door with no remorse at all.

*    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *

“You are under arrest.  You have the right to remain silent…”

Joel watched by the drum set as the officer cuffed the infamous Rocko right there in their practice space, to his immense satisfaction.  He was so happy he felt like singing and kinda was on the inside.  All he heard over and over in his mind as they read Rocko his rights was:

Bad boys, bad boys, What you gonna do?

What you gonna do when they come for you?

He knew it was cheesy but he was so damned pleased, he could help it.  Rocko's plans had royally backfired!  Why shouldn't he celebrate?

The guys had called Joel just after Benji left and said they were running a bit late. Paul asked him to go over early and meet the guy who opened up for them around 4:30 pm.  Joel, late as always, ended up arriving just after 4:35 pm which turned out to be his saving grace.  He was the first and only person there after the owner left a couple minutes later. Rocko was hidden and watched as the the guy left.  The jerk came in thinking he could get away with Joel before the guys showed up at 5pm.

However, thanks to Billy’s caffeine addiction, the guys had had enough of his emo-sugar-drop, and sped there so he could get his favorite soda from the machine outside.  Turns out it was perfect timing.  Before they even entered, they couldn't help overhearing Joel’s conversation with Rocko through the walls. Seeing the gun through the door window, the guys rushed over to call the police at the doughnut shop across the street.  And voila! Two patrol cars and 4 officers were just coming out of the store with their daily dozen.  The cops came right over and as Rocko was taking Joel by force out the door, they ambushed the son of a bitch!

Joel couldn’t wait to recount the tale to Benji. Sure, he'd been scared but the outcome was too good to dwell on it. One of the Sergeants told him that kidnapping of a minor with intent to cross the state line was a federal felony.  They had found two tickets bound for DC on Rocko as well as a picture of Benji and Joel with their names on the back. A list was also retrieved from his pocket, itemizing when the boys would be practicing, working, and what time he should ‘take’ Joel.  The case would be open and shut with such damning evidence.  Rocko would be put away for a very long time.

Once Rocko’s rights were read, he was lead to the door.  Just before exiting it, he smirked back at Joel.

“When you get home tonight, be sure to pay my respects, to your twin Benji…may he rest in peace.”

“Alright, get him out of here,”  The Sergeant who had spoken to Joel earlier ordered.

Almost in that same instant Joel knew where he needed to go.  His world started to spin and he could see Benji in their home, bleeding and asking someone Joel could not see, “Why”.

Joel snapped back to reality so fast his stomach lurched.  He felt like he was moving in slow motion.  “Sergeant Miller?”

“Yes, son?”

The eerie calm in Joel’s voice was completely opposite to the disjointed chaos he held inside at the moment.  “I need you to get me to my apartment…call an ambulance too…I think my twin brother has been hurt!”

End Notes:
A/N2:  Obviously, the song is from the movie and tv series "Bad Boys".   The quote 'if you are good at something'  is from The Dark Knight movie and is said by the nortorious Joker ;)  And don't worry, as soon as this posts, next chapter's ready for the queue!  I've learned my lesson about leaving people hanging, lol!

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