Men’s Health: Is It Necessary For A Man To Stay Fit All The Time?

May 24, 2011 07:18

Men’s Health: Is It Necessary For A Man To Stay Fit All The Time?

Well of course! Why should we even ask? After all, health is wealth- and what better way to keep healthy than following a good diet and an excellent exercise regimen?
Now please don’t say, “I’m too busy.” No one is. All you need is fifteen to twenty minutes out of your schedule- just the time you take to relax, to switch on the television or just lie on your back.
Remember, being fit doesn’t mean you have to turn into a health freak. You don’t have to acquire a six-pack or bulging triceps. Being fit merely means what it states: fit, flexible and healthy. It means you are more able: mentally, physically and sexually. Throw in oodles of confidence and good looks and you have a winner.
The upside
In this age of competition, competence is the key to success. Along with the professional skills and educational qualification, what you also need is the stamina to keep performing- better. You don’t want your body giving up just when you are a few crucial steps away from success. Nor do you want to collapse every time you put in an extra bit of effort.
Researches show that viagra who lead a completely sedentary life are more likely to contract heart diseases than those who indulge in some form of exercise. Such cialis are also likely to live longer.

Looking good is also a factor, of course. You don’t have to be Prince Charming or, closer home, Tom Cruise, but being presentable means you draw attention easier than others, are more easily liked and of course, good looks bring confidence. And we’re not even talking about drooling women.
Bonus points
Physical fitness also helps your personal life. If you’ve been too stressed out with your profession to pay much attention to your relationships, you’ll find that now, you actually have the energy and enthusiasm for them.
Being fit also makes you much more active. If you are constantly caught yawning and are inattentive during dinners, conversations and even love-making, your spouse will love the energetic and vigorous new you.
All said and done, it is however important to remember a few points:
Don’t strain yourself.Even a 15 minute early morning jog will do.Be regular.If you want to work out, increase your time gradually.Be patient. Don’t expect results overnight.Follow a good, nutritious diet.Give up on those cigarettes and drinking binges.
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