
Jul 25, 2012 02:53

Title: Moyenne
Pairing(s): DongSeob (Mentioned Broken!KiSeob)
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 6826
Summary: Love does not mean physically, emotionally or mentally destroying one’s lover; Dongwoon’s countless attempts of making Yoseob realize this have finally paid off.
A/N: As told by Dongwoon~ A DongSeob for notesfromthesky~~ who I hope likes this. <33333

I definitely wanted Yoseob. I’ve been wanting him for well over fifteen years. )

pairing: yoseob/dongwoon, fanfiction, rating: nc-17

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leejaehwa7 July 26 2012, 19:28:34 UTC

Right from the freaking start you have me concerned because 1) it’s freaking Yoseob and 2) he is being ABUSED! and 3) it seems like continuous abuse and he keeps going back!!! WHAT!?! My initial thought it WTF Woonie do something NOW!!

*calms down to continue reading*

hahaha…their first meeting in the snow…so cute. Seobie doesn’t like being called pretty apparently xD and Woonie falls in love at first sight…poor thing…no one can resist Seobie!
And Seobie just unconsciously gives Woonie these loving moments and frustrates the hell out of him! He’s just so naturally nice, he can’t help gaining the affection and admiration from Woonie, but they just stay friends. And being friends with someone so naturally perfect can diminish a person’s ego…especially someone like Woonie…he seems to be one of those self-hating people who just keeps it all in…he needs reassurance!

OMFG…I can’t see Kiki being so mean, but I guess anyone can have a mean streak…but Kiki and his adorable smiles…as an abuser…I will not accept how he treats Seobie and Woonie. I cannot accept that Seobie knows Kiki is bad to Woonie and does nothing, but I guess when people are in love they become stupid and do things they wouldn’t normally, under rational circumstances do.

“ And in that moment, my heart made its deepest thump…I felt… betrayed.”
^^^I…Woonie…he…*crushes him with a hug* Baby…it’s okay…Seobie will come to his senses, right?

“ It was as if someone balled up a sheet of paper and did their best to flatten the wrinkles out. Everyone knows you simply can’t beat out every wrinkle in a crumpled paper. It is next to impossible. That paper will never be perfect again. That’s what I felt that our relationship had become.
^^^such a perfect illustration! PERFECT…because it’s true. Being hurt by the person you care and love most and realizing that there are wrinkles in the relationship that will never be ironed out is depressing…(we use this same paper illustration to demonstrate bullying to students…the scars are always left behind…they may fade, but they are still there)

OMG…the clichéd confession…Woonie, how can you be so cute? At least Seobie feels a bit guilty, but he hid the relationship. That’s just terrible. And what pisses me off even more is the fact that he practically abandoned his relationship with Seobie and I completely understand how Woonie feels because the same shit happened to me and my BFF from childhood and I’m sure I can predict what happens next. Seobie comes running back when he needs help…it’s so fucking obvious and annoying because it’s the reality of friendships. People realize who their true friends are after they fuck them over…*coughs*…enough of that rant…I’m sure you understand…all these emotional feels and crap…

WHAT? Woonie becomes a police officer! He’s a protective force…not just for the community but Seobie as well. Such a perfect occupation for him. (can I see Woonie in a police officer outfit…similar to Doojoon’s…yep…that would be DELICIOUS!)

“ I knew Yoseob wanted to be a… something-ologist -- he was smart enough to be any one of ‘em that he wanted -- but after a few, rare texts from him, he told me he finished high school and was “building a life” with Kikwang an hour away. He said he wasn’t furthering his education.”
^^^NO! NO! NO! IT IS NOT OKAY TO FUCK UP YOUR LIFE BECAUSE OF SOMEONE YOU LOVE! NO! DON’T BE STUPID! Why are people so irrational when it comes to love? I mean…yeah…there are some things that you give up in order to keep a relationship going, but that doesn’t mean you should give up you entire future…SO STUPID! UGH! Especially not for an abusive, jealous, overbearing, controlling boyfriend. JUST NO!


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