Feb 18, 2014 10:50
Yesterday I went to the doctor due to foot pain that I have been dealing with for at least a month now. I knew before going in it was more than likely Planters Fasciitis, and my thoughts were correct. So, along with new inserts, a daily anti-inflammitory and the fun of exercises to get the foot back into good health. Not so scary, I can do this.
Than came the scarey part. I got on the scale when I got there I was not happy with my weight in, I know I need to lose some weight. Than they took my blood pressure, 156/114. That is officially the highest my blood pressure has ever been. So the doctor has put me on a blood pressure medication and told me I HAVE to lose weight.
I know a lot of people are on blood pressure medication, but it was still shocking as hell to be told I was going to be put on them. I'm going to be 35 next month, and I'm not ready to have this complication on top of everything else. So, yeah, scared.
And now for the dieting...
I weigh 286lbs. I hate veggies, and right now really can't do much exercising cause of the foot. So, I'm trying to make a list of things I know I will eat that are healthier for me and getting ready to head to the store to pick up a few things. I'm already increasing my water intake for drinking fluids and trying to cut back some on the soda (that's going to be the hardest for me honestly). I'm trying to be pickier about what I choose to eat taking into thought the calories and the sodium. Right now just kind of at a loss cause as I have said I'm not a veggie fan and I know that's one of the things I need to eat more of to fill me up.
Wish there was an easier way LOL