(no subject)

Mar 08, 2011 22:23

I am so frigging smart!

I think I mentioned it already but Pine and I joined a community chorus. I did this partly because I actually used to enjoy singing (something I forgot for a few years) and also because I thought it might be a good way to sort of network, you know...get to know people who are into music in the general area and maybe drum up some piano tuning business. Three weeks in and someone actually brought up getting the practice piano tuned so I went right up to the director and introduced myself and gave him my card and offered to do it for free. I didn't want to step on anyone's toes in case they already had a tuner but this week they said they totally want me to and they really appreciate it and they'll put my name and info in the concert program! Free advertising!

Now I just have to not...totally screw it up. That is one damn small ass junky piano. Ah well. The thing about piano tuning is 90% of the pianos that exist in the word are kinda shitty junky really hard to tune pianos so you just gotta deal with that.

In other news, there's a dead garter snake at the bottom of my basement stairs. I don't even fucking know.
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