
Mar 01, 2011 13:38

Ok, so, last night I checked my phone before going to bed (yeah, I'm not exactly one of those tied to the phone people, frankly I'd be thrilled if all phone communication were outlawed in favor of email or something) and the guy from the mortgage holding bank had called back. This time the actual words he used were "upcoming changes to your loan".

So I've called him three times today and can't get through. While I freak out.

What kind of "changes" could this be anyway? My rate is fixed so it can't be that. What else could it be?

EDIT: I finally tracked him down and he's offering me an interest rate reduction that'll lower my monthly payment. Why on earth would you leave a message that makes it sound like some inevitable changes are happening!? Unless you wanted to freak me out and get me to call back. But seriously, WTF.
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