
Jan 22, 2005 19:28

Oh yeah, what happened to doing things on time??

Here's a lesson I can't seem to learn: missing maths lectures results in much wailing and gnashing of teeth as I haven't got the faintest idea what the flying FUCK is going on. So I've got my next five maths modules off to a fucking cracking start: Two of them had their first handin on Tues, both of my solutions were somewhat incomplete (last one was just a small question left out but when someone else gave me the answer it was fucking obvious).

Now there's one due for Fri. I realised this this morning, 3 minutes before I had to leave to get my train. Panicked and wondered how to get the solution done and next-day delivered before 5pm today when I realised I could email an electronic version of the solution to my flatmate and have her print it off and hand it in. God bless technology. Two questions, both were complete greek to me, which is not surprising because I've missed about half of the lectures because I'm a lazy cunt and cba to get up at 8am for them. Which is quite pathetic considering most schoolkids wake up at 7am at the latest.

Four handins per module, the best three of which count, so you can miss one provided you do the other three to a good standard. Which I'm going to have to do because I can't make heads or tails of this fucking thing.

I'm awfully nonchalant for someone who's circling the drain. Urgh, and I was so bent on trying to sort myself out too... >:| Tomorrow's going to suck somewhat because of this.

Oh and exam results will probably be released online tomorrow too. I don't think I did as well as I'd have liked there either. Urgh. I am officially not leaving Edinburgh for the rest of the term after this, I'm really fucking up, but then any resolutions I make lately hold about as much water as sieve at the moment.
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