I'll put more thought into my entry titles, I promise.
Anyway, yeah wow life's actually going good lately. Yesterday my flatmate took me to a Ju Jitsu introductory session. Which was actually pretty awesome. Quick introduction to Ju Jitsu: it is a few hundred different sets of motions you can insert into ???
1. Guy throws a punch/kick, grabs your throat and starts strangling you, comes at you with a knife, shoves you, etc
2. ???
3. Guy is in a lock, pin, or on the ground clutching a broken limb. In less extreme cases he's just brushed past you.
Note that it uses momentum and body mass and such so it still works if the agressor is a lot bigger and stronger than you. Or there's several of them (up to a point I mean if there's like 6 rugby player looking people you're probably fucked). Anyway yeah you can't spar or initiate a fight with Ju Jitsu, but judging by the stuff the higher belts were doing it actually looks really practically useful once you get all the moves fluid and working reflexively. That and it looks really neat. Oh and they're a nice and social lot, and each training session ends up with a round down at the pub (usually of water, because everyone's fucking knackered after a three hour session by this point). A few hotties there too :} I chatted with a new girl for a while. So did about five other blokes. She had a "Yes I know I'm hot and I'm getting really tired of being hit on every five minutes" type air about her. Ah well :|
Then I went off with a bunch of friends to play Mah Jong (not the silly tile stacking thing, the four-player Poker-type game... except it's with bricks and not cards). Which was fun and I won with a quite large score, 2 to the power 12 or something (the scoring is multiplicative) aand then I went home to bed. Weekend should be fun, more Dundeefun there, although if that falls through there's another party plus a Saturday Jitsu session, so either way the weekend should be interesting.
Nick if you're reading this then actually answer on MSN at some point! =P
Oh yeah and ATEI in a week, rock on :D Life is good. Except the Maths department are being arsish and not releasing our marks until next bloody week... I suppose I shouldn't worry because there's no way in hell I failed anything (well touch wood but it would be VERY unexpected), although as of next year things start to count toward the degree so I kinda want to be sure I'm starting off on the right foot. So no if I say I want straight A's that's not me being arrogant. Saying "oh yay I got mid 90%'s on everything" would be arrogant (N.B. I didn't so far. Try mid 70's, BARELY A's, so I have a right to be worried =P )
Finally here's a fun riddle a friend of mine gave me. Doesn't really require anything more than simple algebra and a bit of deduction with inequalities. Here it is:
All answers are either True, False or an integer.
1. What is the sum of all the numerical answers to this quiz, including this one?
2. How many questions have an answer of True?
3. Question 1 has the highest numberical answer. True/False?
4. How many answers are the same as this one, including this one?
5. All numerical answers are positive. True/False?
6. What is the average of all the numerical answers, including this one?
7. The answer to 4 is greater than the answer to 2. True/False?
8. What is the answer to 1 divided by the answer to 8?
9. Q6 = Difference between Q2 and Q4 minus Q8*Q4. True/False?
10. What is the answer to this question?
Will post the answer and working (not official but my answer seems consistent) if anyone actually gives a crap.
Take it easy :}