Aug 24, 2009 02:43
So, on most days, im fairly good with money.
unless theres something i really want, then im bad with money.
since i work at a bowling alley, i dont make much, but that lands me in an interesting situation. how do i afford things? answer: i dont. its sad how i freaked when i saw the hat ive been waiting for has finall been released, unfortunately not in my size but close enough, and its be rougly 60 to have it sent to my door. now, on most days, with the money in my account, id already have ordered it. but, being the broke fuck that i am, and bright futures jewing me outta money, i still owe for tuition and i still have to buy a couple hundred bucks worth of books. shitty. now, thats adding on to the 300 i owe my buddy, 150 i owe for bowling stuff, and the 400+ i owe on my credit card. right now, im in a shitty spot with money.
in the end, ill figure it out, im sure.
but until then, my birthday is in november, if anyone wants to get me an early present and buy me that hat i would love you forever :D
ill update this more soon, hopefully. and ill prolly post links in here to my tumblr when i do those updates. we'll see how it goes.
for now, i have class in about 7 hours so i need to goto sleep.