Quiet roll in

Jan 01, 2022 11:23

It was a quiet roll into the new year for the husband and I. We did not purposefully stay up, though I was awake enough while reading to hear neighborhood fireworks at midnight. Slept in until after 8, which is late for me, and have just puttered around this morning. Sent some bad dad jokes to the family ("I remember 2021; it feels like it was just yesterday"), and generally played catchup on cleaning out my email. Plans for the weekend are to update my bullet journal for home (the work one can wait until work hours), and we're going to start slowly taking ornaments down and assessing the ones that have batteries in them, as I think there's more than a little corrosion going on in some of them. I also have a backlog of comics to make my way through; not sure if I'll get through the entirety, but I'd like to make some progress.

Switched the kitchen calendars from WW84 to the Women of Marvel, swapping universes from my preferred one to the husband's. I already swapped the one in my office from the one for my undergraduate institution (which still needs to change its name) to one from Lego. And now I'm being stared at by a half-asleep cat because I'm sitting in my office in his chair, even though there are five other cat-specific spots he could be in this self-same room.

new year, husband, lego, calendar, comics

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