Quiet descends

Dec 28, 2021 07:59

Aside from the sound of machines running (washing machine, dishwasher), and the occasional "WTF" meow from a cat confused at the lack of loud humans, the house is now quiet. The in-laws departed first thing this morning. I made oven bacon while they were getting their stuff together, and we all had a good chat before they took off. It was very nice to see them, but I think I shall enjoy the usual calm and quiet that our house normally is with just the four of us here (two humans, two cats).

Enjoying some (almond milk) egg nog with my coffee, frothed with a silly impulse purchase that nonetheless has proved fun to have and easy to use. I'm normally a black coffee drinker (dark and bitter, like my lawyer's soul. Heh.), but the occasional bit of froth has been a welcome change to the routine. I appreciate that the frother has its own stand, so no fumbling in the drawer to grab it, and since it's next to the coffee machine no forgetting it's around and available. 1/4 cup (60ml) in a two-cup (half-litre) measuring cup (because it will fly out of anything smaller) for half a minute and you're good to go.

Working this week, catching up on emails and cleaning out the inbox before everyone starts going nuts next month/week. And debating how to better use my paper bullet journals (one for personal stuff, one for work). Not pushing anything, enjoying the down week, but not completely unmindful of the future, either (which my alma mater would appreciate, given that that was our motto, "Non incautus futuri").

quiet, froth, family, stuff, egg nog, not unmindful, planning, cats, bullet journal, coffee, work

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