A Day Off

Nov 05, 2021 21:51

The husband and I took the day off to putz about and to see The Eternals on opening day. We both really enjoyed the film. It was more about the interpersonal relations between these characters who have known each other for 7,000 plus years, with enough action thrown in to keep it fun, than the typical Marvel movie, which I found refreshing. And there was a nice gay kiss in the middle, without having to have one or both of the gay characters die at some point.

There's been a lot of work drama with the husband's place of employment the past week and a half, so this was a welcome respite from all of that. Mid-afternoon movie, so afterward we came home, heated leftovers, and vegged out while watching America's Test Kitchen. Best moment there - one of the hosts showed how you can just run your fingers down the stem of a kale leaf and take the good parts right off the stem, and I blurted out "what? that's it? what a fool I've been!" complete with arms waving in the air (I've been carefully, and time-consumingly, slicing the leaves off each side of the stem). The husband was quite, quite amused, since my normal reaction to those kinds of hints is a reserved, "huh, that's interesting".

And now early to bed because we both have early haircuts before the usual weekly comic shop run tomorrow.

eternals, marvel, husband, movies, atk, cooking, haircut, comics

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