New/Old Reading

Sep 27, 2021 22:07

I decided to start reading Terry Pratchett's Discworld series, finally. It's been one of those, I think I would really like this things, but just never made the plunge. Bought the first book, The Colour of Magic, and right from the prologue knew these were right up my alley. In describing the general cosmology of the Discworld (a disk balanced on the backs of four giant elephants who are themselves riding on the back of the great turtle A'Tuin as he hurtles through space, because why not?) he made a joke about a religious theory involving the origin and destination of the great turtle that he managed to both make ribald and tie back to basic physics, and I was hooked. I was also dying trying not to laugh out loud or shake because I was suppressing laughing too hard, as I was reading it in bed after the husband had gone to sleep.

The film/mini-series made from his novel The Hogfather is one of my personal favorite holiday movies, so this really shouldn't have surprised me, but I'm happy I finally started it.

discworld, hogfather, terry pratchett, reading, books

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