Yarn work

Feb 21, 2021 22:15

The DC Men's Knitting group had our first video chat get together this afternoon, which I think worked well. Was a last minute affair, so weren't many of us, but it was still good to see some of the guys. I finished the initial crochet square, so now I have this yellow acrylic thing that's a little messy, but not too bad. Now I need to figure out next steps in terms of learning stitches. I should probably just buy Crocheting for Dummies or something; as I recall from using Knitting for Dummies it had you do a number of sample swatches to learn various stitches, which was very helpful (since small successes help stamp good patterns/habits on ye olde brain).

But after I finished the yellow swatch I switched back to an olive-ish scarf I'm knitting for the husband. Which will be nice, if we ever actually go outside in the cold again. We're kind of spoiled now, with an actual garage and no commute, so it's not like we're out in the elements that much. Hell, he got a treadmill so now we can even do daily walks or runs indoors. But if he does go out, I can at least be assured his neck will be warm.

video chat, yarn, husband, knitting, crochet

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