Dec 02, 2005 00:54
When I was little...... cool survey!
1. What was the first car your family had?
I remember a old brown station wagon, replaced with a maron mini-van.
2. What was the name of your first pet?
Spiffy, the definition and essence of cool pet, especially dogs. A cocker spaniel/pug mix, she was part of our family before I was (by like a week)
3. How did your first pet die?
I don't want to talk about it.
4. What was the name of your elementary school?
Octorara Elementary School
5. Who was your first best friend(s)?
um....most of my friends were imaginary until like first grade. But after that, I'd say Kiley Schroder for most of elementary school. Then middle school brought an onslaught of best friends and worst enemies (sometimes the same girls)
6. Are you still friends today, and if not, what happened?
I'm still in touch with Kiley. But I'm still very good friend with two surviving middle school friends, Aurora and Amanda.
7. What was your favorite board game?
OH, we had some wild times with the Ouija board. My family played Monopoly (Lauren cheated) and Life (Lauren cheated)
8. Did you play house or other make believe games?
I lived in my own imaginary little world. But I really don't remember any house.
9. Were you a Dungeons and Dragons geek?
My brother was and I thought it was the coolest thing even though I was too young to understand it. I played it in college a few times. Then I understood how incredibly uncool and dorky my big brother actually was.
10. Did you sleep with stuffed animals as a kid?
Oh yea
11. Do you still sleep with stuffed animals?
Yes sir, Musty has been my loyal bed mate since I was 6 or 7. Hope Anne tries to steal him/her all the time. That stuffed dog is the only thing is the only thing of mine she is not allowed to have.
12. Who was the first person you looked up to when you were younger?
My sister (when she wasn't being mean and cheating at Monopoly)
13. Who was your favorite relative?
My aunts
14. Were you short or tall in elementary school?
I think I was short. I was pudgey and a tomboy though.
15. Were you teased in school?
Yes, not until middle school though. I think.
16. What was the name of your favorite teacher?
Mrs. Edwards, fourth grade or Mr. Mundy eigth grade Social Studies
18. What was your best subject in school?
Social studies and english
19. What was your worst subject in school?
Math and science
20. Did you do well in Physical Education?
I was a full fledged tomboy until middle school. I wasn't as athletic as the boys, but I could hold my own and always participated to the fullest. I don't think I was ever picked last, put it that way.
21. Were you clumsy when you were younger?
Yes and very messy. Still kinda am.
22. Who was your favorite band as a kid?
Ok, this is the ultimate in dork, but I used to love Raffi and some Bill Wellington guy. Then i grew into New Kids on the Block and then Greenday.
23. What was your favorite movie as a kid?
American Tale or the three best Disneys, Beauty and the Beast, Cinderella or The Little Mermaid
24. Did your parents read to you?
25. Did you have a favorite book?
Ohmygod yes. I loved the Ramona Quimby and other Beverely Clearly books. My favorite kids book was Lotties Cats and If You Give a Mouse A Cookie. I grew up on the Baby-sitter's Club, Misty of Chinqutue (even though I can't spell it now) And Bunnicula, about the vampire bunny. I think I still have that one.
31. Did your parents spank you?
Yep, although they yelled more.
32. Did your parents fight a lot when you were a kid?
33. Did your parents get divorced or stay married?
stayed married, they claim it was for the kids...but sometimes I wonder if that was a good thing. Two parents miserable together or two happy parents?
34. If they got divorced, how old were you when it happened?
35. Did you ever run away from home?
I tried to once. My sister helped me pack.
36. How old were you when/if you first got glasses?
37. Did you need braces or a retainer?
Yeppers, 6th-8th grade
38. Both sexes; When did you start shaving?
On a dare the first day of fifth grade. WAY TOO EARLY
Seriously, if you dare me, I'll do almost anything.
39. What was your first kiss like?
Awkard and weird and gross
40. What did you do on your first date?
Wow, I think Matt(?)'s mom drove us (and his four little sisters) to a movie? Or my mom drove us to a movie, I remember something about KFC though.
41. How old were you when you first drank?
16, Bill Jones, now a state trooper, bought beer at the Hill Top Pub on Rt.41. I still think of that every time I drive past. Oh, he also said he was really 19 and just had a good fake. He was actually 22 and a total scuzzball. He's a cop now.
42. How old were you when you first tried drugs?
18, either in Jamiaca or on the steps of the classroom building at WNA. can't remember.
43. Where was your first house?
Parkesburgh, Pa
I really thought I remembered more about my childhood. I know I used to have really bad hair, wore stretch pants, played sports, read, harassed my siblings and watched a lot of tv. OH, and I found Carmen San Diego.