I've got another riddle for you...

Jul 10, 2005 02:05

My boyfriend has red hair.

Yes, red. He had a very interesting day, today. Or so it would seem. He quit his job (gave his 2 weeks notice), went over to Dana's, and let Justin, Will, Dana, and Dana's mom Marci dye his hair. So, I'm sittin around the house when my cell phone rings... and its Dana. I was slightly surprised.

"Hey Leah, how are you?" (laughter)
"I'm good, you?"
"Oh, I'm great. I have a quick question for you, though."
"Ok, what's up?"
"How you feel about Rich if he dyed his hair... red?"
"We figured we'd ask. You like red, right?"
"Wait a minute... who's dying who's hair now?"
(Laughter) "Are you busy?"
"Hey Will! Go pick up Leah!"

Ten minutes later, Will and Devon (Dana's little sister - coolest 13 year old I've ever met!) show up in front of my house. Will has the tips of his hair bleached blonde. When we get to Dana's, there's Rich... sitting shirtless with a towel around his shoulders and his head all lathered up in hair bleaching solution. Oh, not to mention Justin who's hair is now jet black, and of course Dana who's is streaked with black and silver-gray. Apparently they all got bored. Marci helped. Rich's hair was too dark to dye it any color without bleaching it first, and then for some unknown reason, the boys convinced him that bright red was the way to go. Thus, he now has red hair, and thanks to Justin, Will has redish tips along with his blonde ones. I was highly amused by the entire affair. Especially the parts where Dana's dad helped Will break into the bathroom to try to take pics of Rich in a towel (don't ask) or when Devon started calling Rich an Oompa Loompa (sp?)... or when Rich, Will, and I got into an absolutely hilarious 3-way insult war that turned physical when Rich said something about Will being unable to keep a girlfriend for more than a week. See, I replied, "Oh, like you should talk. We all know YOUR dating history. Aren't you the guy that got dumped 3 days before Christmas vacation?" (hehe, I'm evil, I know.) Will started cracking up and then stopped, looked at me, and went "wait a minute... you broke up with him? But he said that... nevermind." My mouth must have dropped open about a foot. I turned on Rich and said, "Ohhhh, don't EVEN tell me you told them that you broke up with me!" Will jumped up, "thats what he said, thats exactly what he said!" And I nearly attacked Rich, who kept trying to tell me that he never said that. "Damnit Will, don't you remember anything?!! I never said that!" All of the sudden, Will starts cracking up again and says, "dude, I know!" I swear, that boy just loves to cause problems. ;) So. I threw a pillow at him and Rich proceeded to chase him all over the Rissman's house, while Marci, Dana, Justin, Devon, Brandon (Dana's 15 year old brother),Dan (dad), and I all laughed. Then, Will went home and everyone kinda settled down a bit. Rich and I ended up watching some show on TLC about renevating houses for a profit. Random? Lol. I love Dana's family. Life in that house is seriously something out of a reality show or a bad sitcom. Good times.

I'm so happy right now. Life has been shitty lately, so it feels great to be in a good mood for a change. Yesterday was a terrible day, thanks to my father mostly, but I finally got to see Loukeelium [my friend maddy's brother's band that I've grown up with] play and Kari saved me from my house. Things generally haven't been the best, except for a few key things. More like people, really. Thanks to those of you who have really made a difference. You know who you are.

Things with Rich are going really well. I could go into detail about how great it feels to finally be accepted and well liked by his friends, I could explain how hard I know he's trying to make sure I'm comfortable... but that's not what makes everything so different right now. We actually have a relationship. Something to build on and learn from. Trust. I don't feel nervous around him any more, I just want to be next to him! Its the little things that I've noticed that just blow me away every now and then.

He played with Ali on the floor of Kari's basement. Rich doesn't really like kids that much, but he knows I do, and I knows how much I love Kari's niece. The other night he sat down on the floor and played an entire game with her, then helped her put together 2 puzzles! I never expected that.

On Wednesday, he called my house. Rich has had my house phone number for nearly a year, and he's never once called my house. Despite much prodding on my part the first time we dated, he never got past his phobia of house phones. He'd call my cell, if I didn;t answer... oh well. I told him all the time, JUST CALL MY HOUSE! If I'm home, I usually answer. But no. Never. Not until Wednesday. On Wednesday he was so eager to see me that he called my cell 4 times, but the battery was dead. So he called my house for the firds time ever. I know it sounds silly, but it actually meant a lot to me.

There are little things that he does that he never did before. Little signs, little actions. With every day, I end up trusting and liking him even more.

Why does he have to be leaving for Eastern in 6 weeks???


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