GWU cancelled an email address forwarding service they had advertised as a permanent alumni benefit. I used my email address as my permanent address. I changed where it forwarded at least 4 times, but whenever I wanted to be known on the internet, I was [redacted]
That means that now, I need to change all of that. What does that entail?
- Personal life - all of my friends and family know only that address. I need to update them. all...
- Public life - my synagogue, my condo assoc,
- Professional life - Resumes, LinkedIn, GitHub, Twitter, and professional contacts have my alumni address. There's no way I can update all of these folks - especially people I've forgotten but who want to keep me in their professional networks.
- Financial life - bank, ZipCar, Pepco, Paypal, retirement accounts - almost all financial institutions who know my email address know that email address.
- "Online" life - social networks: StackExchange, LiveJournal, Dreamwidth, all mailing lists.
- My email address, personal website and domain host use my alumni address as a backup - I figured I could always point it somewhere else if necessary.
What am I missing?
Lessons learned:
- Do not use an email address of a domain that you do not own.
- Use OpenId where possible and tie that identity to your personal domain.
- GW will screw you over. Even after you've graduated.
- Permanent means ten years.
What else should I be taking away?
GRrrrrrr!!! SO MAD!