i started making my lamp...out of old forks and spoons. im sawdering them all together. its neat. ill post a picture of what it looks like when im done..which will probably be tomoro. and with tomoro comes daves check which means clean clothes!!! woohoo!
on the news there was this crane that fell on the house in haverhill. so me and dave being me and dave went and looked for it. and we ended up finding it. it was over by the haverhill/methuen line. we stood there for 2 hours in the night chill watching Coadys towing (who was just on the news being falsley accused of being a chop shop) get the crane off of the house. the crane was actually one of the trucks of the company that one of out neighbors work for and it was him that was one of the guys on the job. (our neighbors name is Scott) there was news crews doing reports and stuff and we watched this one guy from channel 5 news doing one of the commercial things that make you stay tuned so you can watch the whole story...this was him-
Channel 5 News Guy: a haverhill man barely saves....shit...lets do that again.
C5NG: a haverhill man barely saves his...nope...lets do it again.
C5NG: a haverhill man barely saves his house and himself...stay tuned...no...i want to do it again.
and he just kept doing it over and over again. it was pretty funny. cuzyou think they jsut do it once but this guy did it so many times. very humorous.
there was news crews trying to get scott to talk to them but he kept pushing the cameras out of his face. i think that his home life, or life in general has been sucking in general and then this all happens.
but anyways...we stood there for two hours...until the crane was on the ground and we got our pictures and what not...we didnt get any good ones...the pictures were taken with daves picture phone, my old phone.
im always wondering if life is going to always be this way. life in general just kinda sucks and i hate how it feels like that. and im scared to death that life is going to feel like this always and forever. i cant stand the thought of it. i think about this so much sometimes that it really makes me cry. and i just totally ball my eyes out and its that crying where its so deep and meaningful that you cant catch your breath and you feel like youre never going to stop crying. i hate that kind of crying.
it was so nice out today...i hope its like that tomoro (rather, today). although most of it will probably spent in a laundry mat and doing errands. thats ok though. maybe im just really hoping that its a good day in general. meaning that i dont wake up with or have all day a migraine, i hope that im not tired all day, that im happy like this =), and everything goes smoothly and wonderfully and i finish my lamp cuz im notorious for not finishing things that i start unless i do it all in one sitting. i hope nothing bad crosses my mind. i hope and wish and dream alot. but thats what makes me...me.
peace 'n love.