day 3...

Apr 26, 2005 21:46

day 3:
during the week only the father-in-law (fil) was around, as step-mother-in-law (smil) was working.  so monday morning, after getting ready, we headed over to the in-laws' house, we piled into the car and headed over to the children's museum.  sadly, we were there about a half-hour before it opened.  so, we went down the road to a little mall where we walked around, and stopped at starbuck's for some coffee.  when enough time had passed we went back to the museum, waited in line to get in, and then set langston loose.  it was cool, there's lots of buttons to push, things to do, glue, paint, dress-up, a play grocery store, and - langston's favorite- a police motorcycle.  he climed around, ran around, and generally tired himself out.  until, that is, he found the bathroom.  this was his favorite exhibit in the whole museum.  i'm glad he's interested in the toilet, it makes potty-training so much easier. but really, i don't need to spent 20 minutes in the women's bathroom while langston flushes toilets. washes his hands, and opens and shuts doors over and over and over and over and over...

it was well past nap time and we headed home. langston fell asleep in the car (as he tends to do), we woke him up getting out, everybody had lunch and we put langston down to take his nap.  and we wait, and wait, and wait for him to fall asleep. which he doesn't do. at all.  so, around 3 when we're sure he's not going to sleep, we head over to the in-law's and we pile in the car for a little drive. i can't remember if we had a destination in mind, or what- oh, that's right, a playground where we can run langston around a lot so he'll sleep well that night...  well, the playground fil remembered was part of a school so we couldn't get to it, so we drove around some more and of course, langston fell asleep.  so, we let him sleep, fil dropped jifse and i off on the main shopping road (and of course i can't remember the name of it) and we wandered a bit.  there were some cute stores, some horrible ones, but mostly amazingly expensive ones. i refuse on principle to pay $90 for a thin cotton t-shirt, i don't care how cute it is.  and really, forget the $400 button-front type shirt (think office shirt for women).  so, we mainly wandered and got bored.  by then, we contacted the fil because it was getting to be dinner time. so we met the inlaws with baby in tow (he was awake again and they had been playing a bit) and went for dinner.  it was a good restaurant, had an elephant in the name somewhere but i don't remember the name.  they were apparently known for good desserts, so we all finished dinner, the inlaws took langston (who was getting bored) and left jifse and i to have dessert.  it was very good, and huge. i had to take part of both the dinner and dessert home.  so, home and to bed.  well, langston to bed, jifse and i hung out watching bad tv and generally catching up and chatting about who in the world we thought was cute and why...
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