Squee again. (That's getting repetitive, huh?)
Someone nominated
Marshmallows for a
Multifaceted Award in the Endurance category. :)
It's so funny that my most popular story is probably the only foray
into G-rated territory that I'll ever write. And it's even
funnier that the nomination comes this week, when my whole life is teh
smut, getting going on
Hand Me My Robes.
But I have to tell you that it means a lot to me that
Marshmallows touches so many people. I wrote
that story shortly after my parents' house burned down in a fire and
their cats died. The story just kind of poured out of me-- it was
like I wasn't even there. I can remember walking into my kitchen,
and a voice inside my head said, "Write the story from the spider's
point of view," and the rest is history. I don't even think it's
my best example of prose, but it is so personally relevant to my fandom
It's great to be reminded that somehow, I've survived.