I have been so excited and frazzled getting the word out about
Hand Me My Robes that I forgot to thank some very important people, my co-moderators.
thetreacletart Lydia has listened to my excessive whining, has been my source for
moral support and fic binging, and has just generally been my spirit
guide. I love you, babe. :)
abigail89 Diana is our resident non-good shipper, trioficcer, preacher, and moral
compass. She refers to herself as an old broad, but she's really
God's gift to the fandom. Quite a sound head on those shoulders,
and a very dear person. *hugs*
the_portkey Roxanne is so talented, I could spork myself. Writer, programmer,
engineer, robot calibrator; she does it all. She's one of the
most elegant people I know, and I hope to meet her one day.
allichan Allison is the Web Witch, the Princess of PHP, the Savior of Scripts, the Messiah of MegaBytes. When the rest of us are taking cover in WWIII, she'll be powering the servers that will SAVE THE PLANET. She is talented and
beautiful. I can never thank her enough for her work.
Gush about these beautiful ladies, because they deserve it.