...... uhm
This week is my 2nd year anniversary as a vegetarian. hip. cool. nothing special. Good job me. As you can see by the time, it's late and I have to work early in the morning as per usual as well as turn in homework, so this post is cut short despite the plethora of emotions running through my aching, sleep deprived body. Until later tonight, suffice to say that I'm healthier than I've ever been, I feel good, I have energy, I feel young, I feel attractive, I feel full of it and this drunken stupor does nothing but feed itself in a vicious strange loop.
(-) I miss being modest and mousey
(-) exhaustion, overworked, overschooled, fails are going to be a bitch(-) not studying in a week
(+) awe inspiring bread was made yesterday morning (by me)
(+) seeing Rupert
i_am_over_13 Jehosaphat in the dungeon
(+) doing 3 huge math assignments in 2 hours
(+) reading lots of
sivart13 's old posts
(-) gabe
journalnavyblue won't be back for what feels like decades.
(+) don't you want to dance with me?