The Logic of Rap

Sep 19, 2008 13:08

Many argue that Rap/Hip-hop is not music.

Let's examine that claim.

What is music? I like to define it as organized sound. The dictionary leaves too much up to interpretation with their definition. Words like beauty, form, harmony, pleasant... are relative.
To organize is to arrange into a structured whole. Let's, for the sake of ease, dismiss "structured" <-Nah...
Sound is basically anything that can be heard.

So... what is rap? When used as synonymous to hip-hop, it is an arrangement of words, via rhythmic speaking, over a "beat.*" The foundation of rap lies in rhythm, which is the systematic arrangement of sounds (principally according to duration and period stress).

(*FYI, a beat is an instrumental part of a song...)

So, Rap is an arrangement of sounds.

The arrangement of sound is music.

Therefore, Rap is music.

Wherefore did you ever doubt?

-Because it doesn't sound good.
Good is relative.

-Because of the lyrical content.
If you think about it, lyrical content is an indicator of song, which is a type of music.

-Because black people made it.
They also made jazz, rock, and blues, typically considered music.

-Because it isn't pleasant.
Some people seem to think it is...


Me, I'm a rock kind of guy.

rap hiphop

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