What is the purpose for mankind?
Darwinism and Capitalism would claim we are all here for ourselves, to serve no one else without benefit to ourselves, to perpetuate the condition of the inferior until they become extinct.
What makes one man inferior to another?
Finances? Sexuality? Intellect?
We can probably rule out the third; few intelligent men leave behind heirs to their intellect, after all. In today's American society, the line isn't so clear anymore, though there remains a perpetual underclass whose unfortunate members may never get their head above the water.
Some say mankind is evolving, and eventually there will be a people who personify a moral good, a selfless race who live in peace with one another. Evolutionary theory says nay. Altruism is a characteristic of the weak, one that detracts from a person's condition. By that theory, the world will one day be filled with selfish people and nothing else. At least in the extreme case.
Really, though, Evolutionists don't believe in altruism. All actions are motivated by self-interest, even if only to better ourselves through happiness, the joy of helping another. There is no one who gives for the sake of giving, or helps for the sake of helping.
In short, greed will always win out over altruism.
I I like to think mankind is not so base.