Feb 04, 2006 13:52
I've had an amazing week. One of those during which it's hard to catch your breath and return your mom's phone call, or catch up on missing hours of sleep, or remember to pack the right clothes to take to work.
Or go to the gym. As happy I am, I'm starting to feel sluggish again. Almost 10 days without a visit to the sports club. Not good.
Thursday night Rene and I went to see Aida at the Metropolitan Opera. The show's set design was breath taking, and the performance was well done. I'd never seen a show at the Met, and I discovered a cool feature of the theater's house: all seats come equiped with a personal LED screen that displays the titles. sooo cool. Plus, in the second floor lobby (and visible from the plaza outside) are two giant, beautiful Chagall paintings; they looked to be 2-3 stories tall. How many feet is that? And I now understand how Lincoln Plaza is so romantic. I was caught up in the atmosphere, and I was just sharing it with my best friend. I can only imagine what going on a date there would feel like...
Wednesday I had a dinner (possibly interpreted as a date, which would be a good thing in my book) with a friend. I don't feel like overanalyzing and elaborating, so I'll just say the converasation was great, and I am, in fact, attracted to him (I was a little unsure up until this point).
What the hell did I do Tuesday? Oh, worked a make-up shift at the Park Slope Food Co-op. Nothing exciting or fun there, but good to check a make-up off my list. And Monday was laundry day, so another uneventful but highly productive night.
Saturday and Sunday I spent time at Yale with Minna. We went to a classmate's birthday party Saturday night; I got a little too drunk -- no hangover, but I'm feeling more and more these days that I want to take care of my body rather than abuse it. Binge drinking (i.e. college-style drinking) is abusive. As are cigarettes, which I'm having less of lately. I flirted and talked quite a bit with a guy in Minna's class, Jake, I think? I've already forgotten. Minna noticed and teased and then commented that he's a bit of a player. Saddly, I can be drawn to those types easily. At least we talked about topics of substance, so I feel less lame. Seeing Minna is always good, and we got to catch up and discuss a bit more travel plans for me to visit Greece with her this summer. (must remember not to blow too much money beforehand). Sunday morning I finished some freelance work in the lab while Minna worked in her studio, and I discovered how much I miss designing in a space separate from my apartment so I can be more productive.
Friday nights have been antisocial, and will be so for the next two weeks due to my job. I'm training to be a late-night person, which means staying on Friday until the book (our weekly publication, CreditWeek) is at the printer and all files are good to go. This means I can leave the office anywhere from 5:30 to midnight, depending on how the day and week leading up to Friday goes. Not so bad if I get out at 6:45 (like I did my first week), but honestly, I'm so spent from my work week and then the extra slice of overtime, that I just wanna go home and watch tv and crash. Oh, and speaking of tv, my roommates and I watch Requiem for a Dream Sunday night. damn. What a good, fucked-up movie. We chose to wach the title sequence to Austin Powers before going to bed so we could feel a bit lighter and happier right before falling asleep.
And now, looking back at my week, I realize that though it's been fun and full and productive, the overarching reason that I'm so happy probably has to do with the fact I have a date this coming Thursday. With a really cute boy, Matt. That I asked out. We met not last Thursday, but the Thursday before, at a charter school function in Harlem. He met Lana and Seth (the hosts; Seth is in charge of the school, Lana is his wife) at some other school-type function (Matt works as a Director of Operations at Village Academy, the school my friend Amy used to work for and I worked as a Saturday school tutor for a while). I explained that I know Lana through my book club, and he seemed very interested in what books we've read, and when we are meeting next. I had to break it to him that it's women only, but I seized the opprotunity to have a corny excuse to exchange business cards (something along the lines of, "well, if you ever want to start a co-ed book club..." and he happily accepted my card and gave me his. Then I had to run away because I was late in meeting Nita for dinner. So, I decided to e-mail Matt this week, and ask if he wanted to get coffee or a drink. He replied definitely. And so this Thursday I have a coffee date with a really cute boy. And though I'm not getting crazy or obsessive, I think the chances of this thing being misinterpreted as a "friends" thing is pretty slim. Casual? absolutely. But "oh, I have a girlfriend, I just thought we're just hanging out as friends..." possible, but not likely. I haven't felt this attracted to a stranger since that guy I met at Alda's architecture holiday party (in 2004) who was from the midwest (I'm discovering this is my favorite type) but had a girlfriend. And before that it was Jeff and Nick. And have I mentioned how cute Matt is?