Aug 24, 2006 23:44
Just a quick entry tonight. Because it's fifteen minutes till midnight and I have to be at work at eight in the morning. It's move in day. The end of turn. The beginning of the last weekend of summer. And I gotta get through it.
When I have time...and energy...I want to really update this thing. Not for you to read...for the few that actually still do. But for me. To remind myself of where I went this summer. What I really experienced, felt, wished, and learned. Because it started one way and ended up being completely different. And I'm here now, completely exhausted but so stoked For good friends and family. I'm proud of everybody. I'm proud of myself. I know we can actually do things and kick ass at them.
This year is going to be big. My life is going to change....for the better I hope. It all comes with getting older. And I really can't believe I've had this thing for almost four years. I look back at my old entries and I'm so different from the person that wrote those...back in her dorm room in Smith Hall, her first year at Florida State. But I'm still the same too. Still a dreamer, a believer, and a realist all in one. I'm still screwed up, and weird, and way to stoked on life...but I really wouldnt have it any other way.
And I'm thankful for that. For you. For this. For everything I've become...and passed up...and openly accepted. Because it's all led me to this. This moment. This day.
And that's really all I need right now.
That and a good night's sleep...