Got a job at a bookstore! I'm enjoying it so far, since everyone seems to be pretty nice and I like helping people. Can't believe I forgot what standing on your feet for 8 hours can feel like, never mind being "on" for customers constantly. But I'm surrounded by books all day! It's pretty great. The other day I saw we had a signed copy of Leviathan by Scott Westerfield, so on my break I went to pick it up and with the staff discount it ended up being less than $10. Yesss.
One exam left to go, but I still don't get to go home until the 24th. I miss my family. ...And the food. I really miss the food.
Gonna play some more P3P and kiss ALL THE BOYS. Forgot how terrifying the Reaper is. Also forgot that sometimes my team will get stuck behind a pillar or some shit, especially when running away from DEATH. I am not ashamed to say I just leave those bitches to die.
I've been listening to Karkwa ever since I came back from Quebec, but I just recently found some of their music videos. Super gorgeous.
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