the great dividing range merely proves we're indivisible

May 20, 2008 01:45


prom: was awesome. wore beautiful dress and had 1950s hairdo and red lipstick. best promdate ever. horribly uncomfortable shoes. danced all night and ate only peanut butter cookies although there was lots of food. danced with everyone, especially joey. took pictures in the horrible heat. fell to the ground after the time warp, screamed bohemian rhapsody along with the 200 other people there. in perfect unison. toppled over at joeys later and flashed a few people. went swimming in my clothes, ate some pasta, danced to some 80s music, fell asleep in a monkey mask. after 2 hours of sleep in the early morning, went to the beach and swam in dolphin filled waves with my best friends. rolled around in the sand, went swimming after, thai food.

life: moving way too fast. finally realizing how far i am from that little weird girl from oregon who wore tinkerbell shirts and wrote poetry on her desk and called her best friend every night as her main source of entertainment. spending time with the people who really matter out of all of this. 15 days left of school. waiting for life to end and begin. tugging on the strings of how it used to be. existentialism and vonnegutisms. carpe diem and bill jennings poetry. riding in cars with boys, greek nights, three cast parties this weekend and three birthday parties next weekend.

school: triad project, le petit prince, basically finished. 12 years of school almost done.

theater: a punchline, my last show at santa su, opens thursday and closes friday. somewhere along there i plan to break down sufficently.

body: messed up.

brain: enthralled.

work: idk i made like sixty bucks in april. i never work anymore.

men: fuck men, i will find new ones in seattle.

seattle: in august. can this possibly work? probably not. i am a tiny little thing.

important upcoming events: punchline, gradnite, graduation, death cab concert, wall-e, japan.
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