Jul 18, 2006 18:08
i passed a drug test for walgreens so i finally have a JOB. im glad i found something to clean my system.
today i was smoking a joint made of all my roachs, and i had this feeling of being, and it was like a smack in the face, and then the feeling was gone and i looked at my fingers which felt like they were me, then the feeling just drifted away.
i want feel as if i was real.
kshfksh im fucking bored. i guess. i want to watch house really bad. i want some vicodin too.
my cousins g/f gave me this pain killer spray that the hospital gave her after she had her baby, for the tearing down there, and she never used it, so she gave it to me for my foot. dude, i stood in front of my mirror and sprayed that shit all over my body. it was the craziest feeling ever, just fucking crazy. nothing mental, all physical. something i am so not used too.