Lately life has been...complicated. I'm stressed and overworked and underpaid and worried all the time. I know I worry too much, everyone tells me so, but I just can't help it. When someone you love is going through so much and there is nothing you can do about it it really makes you worry more. I have a theory that if I were there I would worry less because I would be there to see him and know he's okay. Seeing, for the most part, is believing. I want to see him smile, because I know he does smile despite it all, but knowing and seeing are two different things. I think if I could see it and touch him and hear him telling jokes everyday I would feel a lot different about it. I would still be scared, no matter what, but I don't think it would be quite as hard and painful.
So, I got my tattoo on Tuesday. It was painful in a good way, if that makes any sense at all. I actually enjoyed it and I LOVE the outcome. It's really cool. It's just like the icon I am going to use in this post but the butterfly is blue in mine and the outter part that is pink in the icon is yellow and orange on mine. I love, love, love it. I will post a pic of it later when it's all healed. I've already got my next one picked out. It's a fairy holding a butterfly and it says my name and what my name means, which is "fairy queen". I'm pretty sure that I will get it put on my shoulder but I don't know when I will have that done. Here it is...
I like it a lot. Obviously it won't have the "bullseye tattoo" on there...that's the watermark that they put on it so I don't steal the picture. lol
Hm, what else. I guess I don't have a lot else to say right now. I went to Chuck E. Cheese today with Dee, Anthony, Troy, and Mackenzie. It was a lot of fun. I had a blast. Anyway, Gray's Anatomy is on soon so I'm gonna post this and get off here. I'll post later.