when you're good to Manda, Manda's good to you.

Dec 14, 2006 16:48

Hmm. Sorry about that. =( It's just the higher you climb, the furthur you've got to fall, I guess. Huh.

Anybody know what a Diploma of Music from Melbourne involves? Plus how useful it would be, how it stands against other music degrees, etc?


In other, much more exciting and important news, I made rumballs yesterday. Well, they're bourban balls, cos we ran out of rum. I may have been the one to drink it, so shhhh.
Anyway, they're Secret Amanda's Family Recipe rum bourban balls, which makes them extra special. They are on the very short list of "Things Amanda Can Cook", next to 2 minute noodles, packet mix cakes, and Spanna Copita. And they are delicious. DELICIOUS.

Which leads on to...

I was thinking for most of this year that I'd like to have an end-of-year / end-of-school / Christmas party. AND YES I KNOW OTHER PEOPLE ARE PLANNING ON HAVING ONE, but WE ARE CAPABLE OF VISITING MORE THAN ONE PERSON OVER THE COURSE OF SUMMER, SO I THINK WE CAN HANDLE IT. Plus, people are coming and going all the time during these hols, so more than one party'd be good. That way, if we space them out properly, everyone would be able to make it to at least one get-together.

My house is a good venue, cuz it's got a huge garden and deck, plus comfortable room inside. The one issue I"ve heard repeated is that I apparently live too far away ... but c'mon, it's not even like, a half hour trip (except maybe for poor Tash out in the sticks and poor Fritzy up in metropolis). And, consider this: If I'm so far away, what's stopped ME from visiting YOU all these years? It's just as far coming as going, my dears. */end rantage* Plus there's complaints that I don't have a pool. Woe is me, but c'mon, we can't just invite ourselves over to everyone with a pool's house. We do have one of those awesome little paddling pools in a blue plastic shell. Hell yeah, you know you want it.

Before we all complain, yes, I know everyone's got family events and work to attend. So do I. Again another reason to have multiple parties. So what my plan was, is that I pick a day before Christmas (prolly a week day) and have the party go from say, 11am til 11pm, so people could come and go as they please within that timeframe. Then even if you're doing shifts from 12-8pm, you'll still be able to make it if you want. =D Cuz I love you that much.

So I haven't specified a date yet, but who is interested? Pretty much all RL friends will be invited, plus anyone on my F-list reading this can come, plus boy/girlfriends. But I'm not having a rave, people. Just a get together with people I'm friends with! Nice, calm, relax. I'll also make it Bring-A-Plate, so we have an amount of food proportional to whoever is there. Also BYO grog, if you want it. We can hook up iPods to the stereo for music. Or play CDs, because I am the only person in Melbourne without an MP3 player. =P

Just thought I'd get this out to we can plan around. I'm thinking maybe late next week? Or Elly / Peel, I know you guys were thinking of doing something, so if you had any plans for that time, we can arrange mine for later. I'm all open.

Lots of love and condolances to all those who need it.

And whilst I will not neccessarily agree that VCE = Shit, I will agree that VTAC and specifically Melbourne Uni = Shit at the moment. So w00t.


Oh, and I spent the blue part of yesterday designing my new LJ layout. It's a little messy and has a few kinks to be straightened out, but I like it nonetheless. Plus, I made it entirely myself (except for Dancing Boy icon, who may very well be my Default icon forever, without me ever knowing who made him. Sigh). It also features one of my favourite musicals of all time, if not my very favourite. "Britney Spears died to save us!" =D


And in most important news of all, Gale Harold is in a new TV series. I swooned over him all Monday night cuz the show was on one of the silent TVs in the bar we went to. Also, I had a drink that night called a Spank My Strawberry. Not as good as a Screaming Orgasm, but impressive sounding (and delicious) nonetheless.

food, qaf, uni, exams, friends, queer as folk, tv, drinking, school, party

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