
May 07, 2008 17:59

In reply to thequestionclub I posted this gem, and wanted to share here, but WITH PICTURES:

I just bought a flat of strawberries. Seriously, 12 baskets of farm fresh organic strawberries. I work at The Local, this local organic food stand at my school and I had already bought my fruit for the week and was working behind the table.

A customer asked how much for the flat of strawberries, and I had to ask one of my co-volunteers. He quoted $30. Each basket usually goes for $2.50 so to get 12 baskets for thirty bucks is a deal.

But then, after an hour or so and we were thinking about breaking down, I said that I'd buy a flat if they were $12. Since we had already broken even, I totally got the awesome price of $12 for a flat of strawberries (that's $1/basket, an unheard of price.)

So as I'm cruising eljay, I'm munching on many fresh, still-warm-from-the-sun, organic strawberries and a glass of icewater.

Do I regret it? Fuck no. Would you? ;)



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