
Jan 19, 2010 23:42

Life has been rather interesting, a rollercoaster that seems to never stop.
Last week Ash had broken up with me, it's fuckin one week and one day later and we're back together.
You'd think I would learn after the first time.. I really hope she doesn't break my heart again, but at this point, my heart has already been crushed. This is both of our last chances to eachother. The thing is, we truly make eachother happy.. we just burn it to the ground sometimes. She really truly makes me happy.. despite her crushing my heart last week. I do find it odd that she doesn't want it back on facebook though like it was for a year and a half.

I don't even know what I want out of life anymore. I know I want to write, experience, sing, breathe. I just wish that I didn't have to work and go to class.. I wish I could just learn on my own time.. yeah know? Things are so stereotypically set - if I don't go to school, i'll never be able to make a "decent" amount of money to live.. not that money is even really.. well.. necessary.

I really need the spring weather to come. I need to sit on a mountain at night and just look up at all the stars around me and think. . I really need to feel that...

I am craving a philosophical adventure..
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