Somewhat Productive Saturday

Jun 29, 2008 12:48

  • Proofed two articles (always makes me happy)
  • Caught up on two webcomic archives
  • Added several more comics to my archive reading list
  • Sent two emails to webcomic creators for mini-interview/introductions
  • Made a list of other creators to contact once I catch up on their archives (approximately 20 webcomics in this list right now)
  • Watched Diablo III trailer and demo (must have this game now!)
  • Saw "Wanted" (see review below)
  • Organized a very full email inbox
  • Organized my Delicious bookmarks so I can check out my webcomics I'm current on and aren't in my LJ friends list or on my link list to the right.
  • Updated various book and art supply wish lists (which I use mostly as shopping lists for myself). I love Dick Blick, Cheap Joes, and Amazon.
  • Got rid of way too many gigs of duplicate files as well as temp, recycle bin, and other clean up areas.
  • Re-imported my full iTunes music, audiobook, and podcast files because for some weird reason despite having the program point toward my external hard drive, and having all that current music, books, and podcasts on my iPod, deleting the old iTunes folder on my C: drive threw iTunes into a tizzy and it deleted everything out of the folder. Sigh. Took about three hours to get everything somewhat the way it was before (unselecting/selecting, deleting duplicates), etc.
  • Went to bed at 5am!

  • Errands (need milk, bread, lunch items, rat food)
  • Install Diablo, Hellfire, Diablo II since now I'm wanting to play Diablo III
  • Participate in my RP game's Warlord Tourney
  • Organize art supplies so I have an easy-to-carry travel kit so I can practice short sketches whenever I want.
  • Write a couple Report Card reviews. I already set up the comic info, just need to write the review (I like to do this so it serves as something of a to-do list for me)
  • Clean my scary desk area so my cats don't have to travel an obstacle course to parade in front of my face for attention (otherwise they'll just knock my precarious piles of stuff over and that would suck)
  • Organize my Google Reader that holds the RSS feeds that aren't in LJ (my preferred method of reading blogs, comics, newsfeeds)
  • Finish two Netflix DVDs (Andromeda Strain Pt 2 A&E movie and Angel season 3 disc 1)

webcomics, rss feeds, art, comics, to do, games

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