leesa_perrie Jan 17, 2018 14:15
icons, wallpapers, headers, picspam, fandom stocking, icons: animals
leesa_perrie Jan 14, 2018 13:23
picspam, sga artwork, banners, icons: sg1, icons, headers, john sheppard, teyla emmagan, vala mal doran, daniel jackson, wraith, stargate sg1, samantha carter, fandom stocking, carson beckett, jack oneill, tealc, elizabeth weir, rodney mckay, stargate atlantis, ronon dex, icons: sga
leesa_perrie Jan 13, 2018 17:20
guardians of the galaxy, star wars, picspam, fandom stocking, wolf 359, icons, star trek, headers, wallpapers, killjoys
leesa_perrie Jan 13, 2018 12:00
the flash, ncis, picspam, dirk gently, fandom stocking, ncis:no, icons, headers, wallpapers, the monkees, music, agent carter, sherlock bbc
leesa_perrie Dec 26, 2016 15:57
white collar, banners, icons, headers, icons: white collar, sara ellis, wc artwork, gen bingo
leesa_perrie Jan 15, 2016 19:58
fandom stocking, peter burke, white collar, banners, headers, wallpapers, neal caffrey, wc artwork
leesa_perrie Oct 23, 2015 16:19
wallpapers, headers, neal caffrey, wc artwork, peter burke, white collar
leesa_perrie Oct 21, 2015 20:30
wallpapers, headers, neal caffrey, wc artwork, peter burke, white collar, bingo
leesa_perrie Jan 28, 2014 17:42
felines, vids, fandom stocking, icons: misc, cute pics, banners, icons, headers, wallpapers, birds, icons: animals, gifs, canines
leesa_perrie Jan 13, 2014 15:04
felines, fandom stocking, icons: misc, icons, headers, wallpapers, icons: animals, canines