Help and/or Advice Please!

Jul 27, 2008 18:02

I’m looking for help, but it’s okay if no one is interested!

Basically, the Information Page on my website for Atlantis is incomplete, and it’s annoying me that I’m not well enough to get it finished! What I need is for someone to go through the episode transcripts and pull out timing (where it is stated within or between episodes) , personal info, general info and technical info (direct quotes are fine, especially where the techno-babble is concerned) so that I can put it up on my site. I will, of course, give credit!

I have done up to and including Trinity, but have ground to a halt due to the ME/CFS.

I have some other sections that I’d love people to check out and suggest ways to improve, point me towards info I can add, links that might be of use to fanfic writers etc.

I’m also hoping to add specific screencaps one day - that’s a WIP that might get done this year - concentrating on things like characters’ rooms, labs, offices, inside ships etc. I can’t screencap every inch of Atlantis or the ships etc, but if there are some rooms, places you’d find helpful to have screencaps of (to help picture any scenes you want to write there) then that would be helpful too.

So, if anyone wants to help - even if it’s just to look at the pages and give advice - please let me know. Best to use my LJ to send me a message, the email ad I’m using for the site tends to get checked once a day, whereas my main email gets checked frequently.


And why is it so hot today? Anyone would think it was summer....! *g*

stargate atlantis, website

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