A Team fanzines

Dec 06, 2009 19:52

So I've been rumaging around in my old fanfic collection and found some old A Team fanzines. Yes, I was into that fandom oh, about six years ago (I think) before moving onto The Sentinel and then to Atlantis!

Anyway, I have no idea if there are any A Team fans on my f-list, or if any of you know an A Team fan, but I'm happy to send them free to a good home on a first come, first served basis. I have 'Frak #6', 'Plans, Scams and Vans #1' and 'The Dwight Papers'. I also appear to have some stories photocopied from various fanzines, such as 'Plans, Scams and Vans #3 & 4', plus a BSG (original series) crossover with The A Team. I should mention that 'Frak #6' is a little hard to read, it was produced in the days of not-so-good photocopiers and typewriters!! Do you remember those days? Before fanfic on the net?!! Ah, the memories of trying to track down/afford to buy fanzines as they were the only source of fanfic available... *shakes self* It's so much easier now!!

If you're interested, email me: leesaperrie at yahoo dot co dot uk

fanfiction, the a team

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