Cute Pic Attack!

Dec 06, 2009 16:33

Yep, I got attacked by some cute pics again!

From the Cute Overload and Funny Cat Pics sites.

(this hedgehog is sooooo cute I think I'm about to die of total awwwness!!)

(this was captioned 'Maru, are you in there?'!! *bg*)

(naughty dog is also cute!)

(unlikely friends?)

Cats and the places they sleep!

(it’s the chocolate smell, it must be!)

And call me weird if you must, but I think these flying foxes are pretty cute too!

From the Cute Overload site:
"These tiny freaking gigantic flying foxes are a type of bat vital for the pollination of tropical plants, yet they’re listed as "vulnerable" on the endangered species list. These two guys come from the Tolga Bat Hospital that rescues, rehabilitates and releases hundreds of bats that would otherwise die. They also provide lifetime sanctuary for many bats that are too severely injured to return to the wild or have been retired from zoos. For more info, check out: "

felines, cute pics, canines

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