Oct 31, 2005 18:50
Unfortunatly, I've been in a lot of pain lately. Why you ask? Well 2 reasons: 1 my damn wisdom teeth decided to let me know they were in my mouth and want out my throbbing and making my life misserale & 2. I have a cavity in a tooth that is hidden by a wisdom tooth. Either way, My Mouth is causing me a lot of problems right now. A mix of Ultram and Vicidin ES is helping me get through the day. As of November 21st the cavity should be taken care of an the Wisdom teeth are out as of December 2nd. Because insurance is shitty now a days all of this will be costing me a cool grand or so. Not exactly what I wanted to spend a grand on, but what can you do? This is where a credit card comes in handy.
Other then that, we have gotten everything on the house cleared up and will be closing November 18th. I am looking forward to this, but it's just something else that I have to add to my list. I have 4 projects all due no later then next Wednesday. I have started on all of them, but it's still going to be a lot of work. Between then and now I'm going to be a busy boy. On top of all that, I have been feeling kinda depressed lately and really dont' want to do much. Not the greatest time for this to happen, but you really can't pick when you are going to feel depressed now can you?!
I feel like i've been falling apart lately. Between my teeth, my health and my mental status it's just seems like nothing is "right." Maybe it's just me cause i'm stressed, or maybe it's all just off. Who knows. I miss summer, a lot. I hate the cold and I'm not looking forward to the next 5 months of it. I think my overwhelming schedule is finally getting to me. As nice as it is to have 2 pay checks roll in every two weeks, i'm not sure that I can keep it up. Im really not that unhappy, just overwhelmed. I need Thanksgiving break. Maybe after that week off of school I'll be feeling better.
I have a German exchange student in one of my groups for my project and she has no idea how we do all the work we do. She said that Germany is NOTHING like America. They actually give you a reasonable amount of time to finish projects and don't give you 4 at a time!! So it's just not me. MSOE SUCKS! I can't wait to get out of here and just start my career.
So yeah, I guess this is more of a bitchy journal, but I got it all out.