Lalalalalalalalaaa~~~ *is happy*

Sep 08, 2009 17:54


I've finished downloading and watching all three seasons of Slayers! =3
It feels so good to be able to watch them again! ^____^
Zelgadis-sama, ILU!! X3

I've been uploading the fanvids while I was watching! The slow internet connection didn't feel so slow when I was uploading while having fun watching. XDD
Here are the download links, dozo!! =D

image Click to view

Arashi - Attack It!
MF: full file


image Click to view

Arashi - 5x10 (subbed)
MF: .001, .002

Arashi - 5x10 (no sub) <--- I re-encoded this to XVid. The others are all DviX-encoded.
MF: full file

Erm, sorry for the crappy subbing technique. XD I haven't mastered Aegisub yet, so I used less sophisticated software for subbing. ^^;
And the font was too big, coz at first I intended it to be used for youtube only... I decided to upload this to MF coz I kept getting requests for the download link. ^^

Oh... and I added my crappy sorry-excuse-for-a logo on the unsubbed vids in the hope that no one can re-upload the vids and claim it as theirs anymore. I reduced the opacity so that it won't bother your viewing too much. :)

And, I'd like to ask that you not to upload these vids anywhere else. You can embed them on your blog, or share them off to all your friends and family if you want to, though.

Spread the love! XD

Enjoy!! ^^

And, although it is still a bit early...
Happy 10th Anniversary, Arashi!! \:D/
Yay for your first million-seller album!!! =DDD

fanvid, download link, arashi

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