What You're Doing

Oct 21, 2013 19:11

you said that I looked nice today, so you must have seen my eyes
foggy glass that didn't squint when I gave a short reply.

you waved at me twice today, so you must have seen me hide
my slowly unfolding fingers from the tense girl at your side.

you told me you were bored in bed at ten o'clock at night.
when you asked me how I pass the time, I said "take what isn't mine"

when I mentioned New York City, you said it would be fine,
as long as we went together, since you've been a couple times.

what about the girl who already knows you lied
when you said she was the only one in your crowded life?

you think that she won't see your phone, but she's not blind
and when it comes to hiding, could you say you really tried?

you must think that I don't know that love is never kind,
and you only pay attention to have something on your mind.

vignette, love, journal, leemacka, poetry, cheating, poem, mood

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