Jul 29, 2011 09:09
It's official! She's finally calmed down!!
After nearly two weeks of back to back texts filled with intense beginning-relationship anxieties, the girl has FINALLY cooled off.
The reason: She has given him her phone number and allowed him to text her.
This solves a lot of issues since she can now see a near immediate response to all her messages instead of waking up at 5am EST and texting me because he hasn't replied to the email she just sent......even though she knows he works evenings, is on summer break, and it's 5 freakin' AM her time, that's 4am Jace and my time.... okay I exaggerated the time but if I wasn't up already when she sent those texts in the morning, Jace is SO not gonna be up.
So now we are both pleased and thus there are no strains between us due to her ridiculous anxieties (I do mean ridiculous...some of the things...well let's just say if I had been in the same state I would have driven over and smacked her until she shut that overly worried side of her brain down to realize that worrying over whether he does or doesn't like one thing is NOT the end of the world).
Haaaa and now I'm waiting for them to be in a relationship longer so I can plan out fun group vacations :3