Woohoo! Chapter 84 is up!!!

Jun 28, 2007 00:22

A big thanks to Xikum who worked so hard to fix the wrongs and add the extra bits that make this work so well.

Also thank you tootiredtosleep and someone Anonymous for their virtual birthday gifts! I squealed happy sounds *blushes*
Snarry anyone?

Later that week, in the parlor of his modest home, a Death Eater contemplated his life and the life of the son he'd buried that morning. He had been looking forward to his trip to Hogwarts to see the Slytherin / Gryffindor game. Between work and his duties to serve the Dark Lord, he had been too busy to attend games this school year. With several more months left of the season, he was sure there would be time to see his son fly.

At the cemetery earlier that morning, he'd taken a short walk to collect himself and gain a bit of composure. In one row of headstones he found the burial site of a wizard who'd died some twenty years past. Alongside his name and dates was a symbol that recognized him as an Auror. The Death Eater walked further to find a granite stone marked Sirius Black. Carved beside his name was a small phoenix. He remembered the day Black had died because it had been the same day his brother who was also a Death Eater had been captured and sentenced to Azkaban. He'd died not long after his imprisonment. There was no symbol of any significance on his brother's stone. Likewise there would be none for his son.

Upon his return to his child's grave, the Death Eater found his wife in a nearly catatonic state, as she'd been since the accident. A wizard in a green apron removed flowers from a cart, handing them off to his assistant, who placed them on the coffin. The father thanked the man, a fellow Death Eater. He looked curiously into the cart to see a large crate of nettles.

"Who would be so insulting as to send nettles for my son's burial?" he asked angrily. The florist apologized profusely, explaining that they weren't for the son; they'd been ordered by their Lord and he would deliver them on his next stop.

He hadn't actually expected anything, but had hoped there would be some acknowledgement for his son who had died because of the Dark Mark he'd worn so proudly. He thought it a bit of an insult that his Lord had put in an order with the florist that very day and hadn't made even a comment regarding his son's passing. His anger clearly showed and the florist made it a point to mention that their Lord had allowed him to deliver the flowers to the cemetery first, making him wait a bit longer for his nettles.

"How magnanimous of him," murmured the father softly before surreptitiously hexing the nettles.


Unaware of how Voldemort's plan had nearly come to fruition on the first try, Harry returned to Godric's Hollow to continue building. The additional foundation had been laid to accommodate the change in the plans. Harry smiled as he looked up at the framework making up the turret. As the drywall went up, the house truly began to take shape. He was looking forward to when the window installers arrived, but knew he had to wait until after the new bathtub was delivered. A crane would be seen to bring the large tub through an even larger opening for the master bedroom window… or that would be what the neighbors thought he'd used after a bit of magical projection, while a Wingardium Leviosa did the actual job.

Somewhere in a throne room a wizard lay quaking on the floor. The Cruciatus curse hadn't helped him answer the question of why a swarm of Glumbumbles had inexplicably died.


"Mr. Potter!" a man around his mid-thirties called out. Harry had not registered any magical signature and popped his head out of the opening for the sitting room window. "I'm 'ere to hook up the electrical wiring," he explained, as if the truck with large blue letters spelling out the company name wasn't any indication.

"Excellent!" Harry cheered. Things were really coming together. "I'm Harry Potter," he shook the man's hand.

The worker introduced himself as Carl, grabbed a tool belt from his truck, then eyed Harry uncertainly. Harry noticed the man checking out his muscles but didn't get the impression he was gay.

"You're the homeowner, right?" Carl tried to sound confident, but hadn't quite pulled it off. His relief was obvious as Harry nodded.

"Yeah, I guess it's kind of obvious this is the first house I've built," Harry gave a depreciative laugh. The men who had unloaded the first lumber delivery had commented on various things Harry was doing in the wrong order. That seemed like forever ago, and he'd grown more confident since then.

"To be honest, I almost asked if your dad was here, but you seem to know what you're doing," Carl smiled amiably and didn't add the part about Harry being short or the fact that he had more muscles than any kid he'd ever seen. "My wife has a baby face and sometimes it's hard to get her served at the pubs. Not that she drinks too much…" he added to protect her honor.

Harry chuckled at the man's anecdote and had the feeling Carl had mentioned his wife because he'd been caught looking at Harry’s physique. He assured the man that it was a common occurrence for him to be mistaken for much younger, and he’d appreciated the worker hadn’t jumped to conclusions.

When Carl finished his job, the house was wired to receive electricity. Harry signed his name on the work order and beamed. It all felt more real now. He was not just a kid playing in an empty lot, but an adult with his own address, who would soon be getting electricity bills. Harry laughed at himself, knowing he wouldn’t always be happy about the bills, but for now he rejoiced in it.


To commemorate Harry's home being wired for electricity - this week’s justification for celebrating -- he and his friends met up at a pub. Harry sat with Neville on his left and Dean between him and Ron at his right. Seamus rounded out the table, defending his choice of pubs as this place wasn't far from his work.

"Don't recognize a single bloke in here," Dean observed the pub full of strangers, and then bought their second round.

"Speaking of which," Neville chimed in, "When are we going to meet your bloke, Harry?" He received a mischievous grin in reply.

"I'll tell you what Nev, right after the house is done and I finish a few things…" like Voldemort, "I'll throw a house-warming and you can see him then." Harry reached across Dean to knock Ron in the head when he snorted at Harry's words. Neville noticed Harry had said 'see him' and not 'meet him'. He went through a list of Slytherin students in his head, but came up empty for likely candidates.

"Hey, Har’," Ron spoke around a chicken wing. "Did you bring the plans? You should get their input while everyone's still sober," Ron took the parchments from his best mate and spread them out across the table. The plans were detailed, and while the first page was the typical room layout, window locations and such, additional sheets included the décor as well. "Sorry," he murmured, charming a spill clean before it spread too far. "That's where I'll be," Ron said proudly, pointing to a room marked 'Guests'.

"Where?" Seamus cocked his head to the side, trying to read upside-down. "Kind of dark, isn't it?" he asked, seeing the possible design choices for the room. Harry shrugged.

"The plan started out lighter, but after growing up with it, I'm changing my mind on a few things," Harry decided he didn't need any of the styles from the Dursley house.

"What's this, a dungeon?" laughed Neville. Harry saw he was referring to the potions lab. Ron glanced over, but didn't say anything. Shrugging as if he wasn't sure yet, his friend didn't press him. Ron finally spoke, changing the subject.

"What are you going to do with Jolo?" he wondered if Harry would keep the snake tank in the sitting room as he'd done in his flat.

"I've got him in my pocket most the time," Harry said with a laugh. "I'll figure him out eventually." Harry looked across the parchment, finding his friends’ suggestions amusing. He was extremely grateful he'd thought to bring a copy of his plans and not the original.

"Who's Jolo? Your bloke?" asked Dean. Ron told him it was the snake. "You call him Joe?" asked Seamus.

"I couldn't keep calling him 'You Know Who'; it was freaking out poor Ronnikins here," teased Harry. As the night wore on, the suggestions became more and more outrageous. Harry turned down their suggestion for a large, six person hot tub in the 'party' room and neglected to tell them of the decadent tub he planned for the Master bathroom.


Harry stood under his shower for an excessive amount of time. He'd felt it when Severus Apparated in unexpectedly, but since his lover hadn't joined him, that probably meant he was in a mood. With a towel hanging low around his waist, he hoped the sight of his glistening body would distract the man. No such luck.

"Do you care to explain this?" Severus, to his credit, wasn't shouting, but may have well been as his tone was disquieting. Harry looked at the picture on the front page of the Daily Prophet to see himself and his friends from the night before.

"Um," he didn't think they drank all that much and they hadn't made fools of themselves. "Just me and my friends picking out paint colours," he said with a shrug. Harry hadn't even read the headline.

HARRY POTTER SWITCHING SIDES? The Boy Who Lived openly discussed Dark plans with four possible followers as he flippantly bragged about having politician Joseph Lowe on his own personal payroll. Ron Weasley, close friend to Potter, had clearly stated that he would be at Potter's right hand side, approving of all plans despite the protest of their former dorm mates who encouraged Potter to rethink his evil ways.

"Hmm," Harry read through the comments and direct quotes from patrons that had been at the pub. "Seamus thinks we might want to consider a lighter shade of green for the sitting room. Dean suggests moving Jolo to a more discrete location so as not to scare visitors who might have a problem with snakes. Oh, and Ron likes the room next to ours for when he visits, but wanted to remind us to be sure to use silencing charms," he said all this as if he'd not noticed the paper at all.

Severus, for his part, was trying to stay on the topic at hand, avoiding the distraction of Harry in a towel that was only just clinging low on his hips. A drop of water had caught his eye and he watched it meander over tight abdominal muscles until it hit a patch of hair just above the cloth. He'd been about to snap at his young lover for not taking things seriously, but didn't want to be hypocritical as he was at the moment mesmerized by the sight before him.

Snapping his head up, eyes above chest level didn't help any as he hadn't expected to see a bite mark on Harry's delectable neck. Severus' hand unconsciously grabbed his lover’s waist; stepping closer, he inhaled deeply, taking in Harry's scent. "I thought you healed this," his breath was cool against the water still dripping from Harry's hair. Cool, but heating up quickly.

Harry shivered, feeling Severus nuzzle along his neck, then breathe puffs of air into his ear as he mouthed the skin around and behind it. Was there a question in there? He tried to focus but the thumb sliding from his waist to rub over his hip was driving him to distraction. Harry gasped as Sev's tongue reminded him of the bite mark; he now realized what he’d been asked. "I concealed it. I hadn't expected to see you for a few days. I wanted to keep it," he explained and enjoyed knowing Severus must have watched him closely while he'd had dinner at Hogwarts with Ginny the night of the incident.

"Mine," Severus accentuated this one meaningful word with another bite, bringing the mark back to its original redness. His tasting of Harry continued over the expanse of still-damp skin. The strong hands that had been tightly gripping his hips tightened further when he lifted Harry up, placing him on the kitchen counter. With a more satisfying reach, Severus resumed his tasting. Special attention was paid to each nub that hardened when encircled by wet lips and nibbling teeth.

Chasing a drip of water, Severus trailed the tip of his tongue down Harry's side, stopping the stray drop before it was absorbed into the towel, nipping with his teeth as he took Harry’s cock to hand. Harry hissed, biting his lip as he felt a contradictory mix of sensations of intense pleasure and that bordered just on the tolerable edge of ticklish pain. The damp towel that had been wrapped around him now lay on the counter, pooled around his bum. Harry shivered, but not from the sudden chill. His head pressed against the cupboard over the counter as he arched his back wanting to get closer to the pleasure that was Sev's mouth and hands.

"Ssssev," he cried in need and was not made to wait a second longer as his hard cock was completely engulfed by wet heat. "Yes yes yess," he hissed and grabbed hold of Severus' head, taking hold of handfuls of what was surprisingly greasy hair. It was then that Harry realized Severus was in teaching robes. "I love to watch you suck my cock Professor Snape." The mouth around him stilled. "Please don't stop, I swear I'll behave," Harry wiggled his hips, pulling Severus' head hoping to coax it to move again. "Please sir," he added when the hot mouth pulled off of his aching cock.

A Gryffindor tie fell down to hang over Harry's cock and Severus briefly wondered what Harry had transfigured it from. "Reprehensible brat," was the growled reply.

Harry was sure he heard a mention of punishment, but could no longer think on it, dazed as Severus was sucking his cock again. Harry's hips began to buck as his impending orgasm neared its peak.

"Don't stop!" cried Harry when Severus pulled up off his cock with a 'pop'. "Please," he begged.

"You're not in proper uniform, Mr. Potter," snarled the Potions Master who had a tight grip on Harry, preventing his release. He tied the Gryffindor tie around Harry's cock. "We don't have time for your insolence. The Headmaster is waiting for us to attend a meeting."

"Sir," snarled Harry. Despite his tone, he couldn't hide his relief to his lover's reaction. With their age difference being an issue at times, Harry hadn't been sure of Sev's reaction to being called Professor. "Clearly I was very close… to being ready. You're just stalling because you'd like nothing better than to see me in trouble with the Headmaster. Greasy git," he mumbled the last two words, knowing Sev would still hear him. He held his head up high in defiance, waiting to see what kind of reaction he'd get.

"As if you ever get in trouble with the Headmaster. Clearly, I am the only wizard who sees you as the habitual rule breaker that you are."

His words spoken so close, Harry shivered, half expecting Severus to lick him again.

"Too bad you're not in a position to punish me then, isn't it Professor?" Harry taunted him with a smirk and tried to rub his own cock, only to have Severus pull his hands away. Severus continued to pull Harry's hands until he slid off the kitchen counter, standing so close their bodies rubbed deliciously together. Harry shivered with the roughness of the robes against his skin and groaned feeling Sev's hard-on press against his belly through the fabric.

"I think we can find an appropriate position," Severus pulled out a chair and then pulled Harry across his lap. Any fears Severus had about Harry possibly thinking about his relatives were quickly alleviated when his young lover's erection grew harder against his leg. Harry felt a warm hand resting on his arse and couldn't hold back a groan.

"Sir, this isn't how Mr. Filch does it," Harry's comment was quickly rewarded by a large hand coming down across his bare arse. It hadn't been as hard as he anticipated and expected Severus was being more careful than he might have been if Harry's past had been different. "Am I being punished Professor, or was that a pat on the backside for a job well done?" he rubbed his cock against Sev's leg for emphasis.

"Insolent whelps" *spank* "with blatant disregard for the rules" *spank* "will get their due punishment." *spank* His hand heated up with each slap to Harry's reddening arse. "Accio," he called out and a tube of lubricant flew through the flat into his waiting hand. "I'll be healing you to prevent the masses from fawning over you, should you so much as grimace while sitting down this evening," he explained. Harry sighed at the coolness of the cream, knowing full well it wasn't a healing salve. He felt one hand on his back while the other smoothed across his tingling skin. Harry could hear the squelch of the tube being spurted between his cheeks, and wriggled on Sev's lap in anticipation.

"Sir," he panted. "I don't think you spanked me that far down," Harry kept his voice higher than usual but hadn't faked the yelp as a long slender finger plunged deep inside him.

"If you paid any attention to the class on healing balms, you would know this particular potion works best from the inside," Severus lied smoothly and sounded so much like his teacher self Harry almost snorted in laughter. As if he expected that very thing, Severus added a second finger as he finished his sentence, preventing Harry's outburst.

"Please," Harry wasn't even sure what it was he begged for. He desperately wanted to come, but now that he knew Severus would be in him soon, he wanted to hold off until Sev's big cock filled him. He shouted when yet another finger slipped in, unsure of how many were in him now. "That's enough, please," he bucked on Sev's lap for any friction he could manage.

"No, it's not nearly enough," Severus put his free hand under Harry, helping him to stand, but kept his slick fingers buried.

"Sir? I don't think any more fingers could fit," reaching across the table, Harry grabbed the edge, giving him the leverage he needed to thrust back and forth. He opened his eyes, not having realized they'd closed. A spell had been cast, and Harry wasn't sure if Sev cast it, or if his own sheer will had done the magic for him, but when Harry looked down at the kitchen table again, it had been transfigured into a desk to match that in the Potions Master's classroom.

"You're right," Sev agreed, but by that point Harry didn't know what he was right about. "There's only so much balm that can be applied this way," he explained, as if discussing sunscreen application. "This will be much more thorough." He buried his cock deeply before Harry could respond.

His brain could not even begin to decipher what Severus had said. Nothing mattered beyond the incredibly full feeling Harry was experiencing at that moment. He was still gasping from the suddenness of being filled when Severus pulled nearly completely out. Harry's cock rubbed against the hard surface beneath him, his knuckles white where they clamped on to the edge of the desk for purchase. ~Fuck~ he gasped and then groaned when the pace quickened in response. Merlin, he loved being a Parseltongue.

~You really don't need to announce that to me, I'm aware you are mating~ hissed Jolo from his enclosure. Harry could only just make out the words from in the kitchen.

~SHUT UP YOU!!!~ shouted Harry with an angry hiss and then placed a silencing charm around the kitchen. Inwardly he chuckled as his screaming at the snake had caused his lover to further let go and pound into him with all his might. ~I'm gonna come~ he hissed, feeling his balls tighten up, his body rocking in an effort to increase the intense feeling, but he was not the one in control as Severus fucked him so brilliantly hard.

The feeling of the desk’s edge digging into Harry's legs was easily ignored in favor of the friction caused from his cock rubbing between the desktop and his body. Both of which were soon covered in Harry's release. Harry lay bonelessly across the wet surface, feeling the final driven thrusts and listening to the sounds his lover made as he neared his own climax.

While recovering a few minutes later, Harry glanced down at the floor. He investigated the sound he’d vaguely registered while lost in the moment. There, spread across his kitchen floor, was red ink and a broken inkwell. "We're two for two on the red ink. Maybe we should move it the next time we have sex on your desk," laughed Harry. "The desk was a nice touch by the way."

Severus groaned, not even bothering to see the red mess. "I didn't transfigure the desk, which is why we have a meeting to go to." Severus smiled at Harry's less-then-articulate 'huh?' "Remus asked Albus about your magic. He was a little taken back by how much power you displayed the night of the full moon. We believe you may be more powerful than you think, since you tend to display an unexpected amount of power when in an altered mental state, such as when you were under the influence of alcohol, or the prank potion the twins gave you, or in the throes of passion," he accentuated his point by grinding his hips against the boneless Harry. "Reverse your transformation, and I'll Fire-call Albus to let him know we're on our way." He kissed Harry on the back of his neck before pulling out, already missing the tight heat. When his young lover didn't move, he swatted him on the arse.

Harry groaned, rubbing his bum. "Thanks for healing me from my punishment earlier Professor, but now I need to be healed from the healing," Harry chuckled and let out a sigh when he felt a kiss placed on his sore arse. "If I tell you to ‘kiss my arse’, will you do that again?" Harry yelped when he felt Sev’s hand connect smartly.


Having arrived at Hogwarts, Severus went down to his office to retrieve his notes. He would Floo into Albus' office for the meeting regarding the magnitude of Harry's magical power. Having made a mental list of everything he needed, Severus stopped off in his classroom. He immediately forgot what it was he wanted from his desk when he spotted a salt shaker on the floor. More specifically, Harry's salt shaker was on the floor in the same position next to his desk where Harry had knocked over the inkwell earlier.

Recalling that Harry hadn't been sure who had cast the spell to make his table into the desk, Severus knew he'd been preoccupied at the time. Had he actually switched the two pieces of furniture instead of transfiguring them? Had he Apparated an object from within the Hogwarts wards, into his own flat, and vise-versa, without even registering the power?


While Severus was having an 'Oh, Merlin' moment, Harry came across Remus in the corridor on his way to the Headmaster's office.

"Hello Harry," Remus greeted him anxiously. Harry mistook Remus’ eagerness to discuss his magic for his reaction to seeing Harry again since the full moon. "I have to say, you really surprised me the other night. I have several questions for you," his cheerful smile was contagious.

"Really? I expected a knowing look that would embarrass the heck out of me and then no other sign that night ever happened," Harry smirked and barely kept from laughing when Remus' cheeks reddened.

"Cheeky brat," Remus grinned, but his face still blushed.

"Careful there, someone else already has dibs on that term of endearment." Harry stepped on the revolving stairs, looking over Remus' shoulder to see Severus joining them.

"Keep it straight, Potter," Severus startled Remus with his tone and only continued when the entryway sealed them away from any students who may have been listening. "I've always preferred 'Insufferable brat' as a pet name." His drawled emphasis on the word ‘pet’ had brought a blush to both Harry and Remus.

"Don't start, you're just looking for an excuse to put another muzzle on me," teased Harry with a wink.

Albus looked upon the three wizards inquiringly. He clearly wanted to know what had made two of them blush but all of them smile. Not one of them would satisfy his curiosity.

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