Death Eater Takes a Holiday Chapter 83

Jun 02, 2007 23:48

Yeah another chapter up!
Edit: Oops, I totally forgot to post a warning here. I was hoping 'Voyeuristic werewolf' would be acceptable as a warning. I do hate giving it away like that, it ruins the surprise. *smirk*

Severus Snape sipped his drink while making notes in his potions log. He'd been working on an idea that came to him, from of all things, Fred and George's potions log. After reading over some of their notes, he was thinking of the spectacular, but unexpected, results they'd have if they didn't make a few crucial changes. The wheels had been turning in his head as he thought about the kinds of injuries they could have caused, sparking him to develop an improved cure for chemical burns.

George had once mentioned what a relief it was when they saw new red markings in their log, which was so different from the way they used to feel about the professor’s grading. Severus had been so disturbed to see one of the potions they'd planned to try that he actually wrote ‘-50 Points for risking your lives for something so trifling as a prank’.

Thinking he'd best not make any more notes, now that he'd had his third drink, Severus read back over his findings, brainstorming ways to enhance various potions’ effectiveness. A tiny owl sputtered into the room. He called out what he thought was the birds name, but that didn't make the owl settle any faster. He vaguely wondered why Ron would name an owl ‘Hog’, when another owl, flying much faster, dropped a well-aimed roll of parchment onto his potions log. The larger owl pushed Pigwidgeon aside and pecked Snape's finger.

Much to the larger owl's chagrin, Severus quickly opened Pig's note, which told him that Harry was in no shape to walk the grounds and had been sent home. He leapt to his feet, not needing to see the other message to tell him what had happened, though he prayed his assumptions were wrong. Dressed and dashing through the school, Severus read the other parchment as he waited for a staircase to move into position. 'Damn,' He was seldom so lucky as to have his assessment of a bad situation proven wrong. Theoretically, he knew the Wolfsbane potion made Lupin nothing more then an involuntary Animagus… with sharp teeth. Still, he was contagious, in a manner of speaking, and facing the wolf again would be unnerving.


In the Burrow's kitchen Ron was shouting and making large hand gestures that threatened to smack someone in the head.

"I can't believe you sent for him! " He would have sent word to Dumbledore, the only other wizard who could Apparate into Harry's flat. Hermione had stood up angrily, prodding a finger forcefully on Ron's chest.

"I'm not the idiot who sent Harry home to a werewolf!" She loved that in a crisis she'd remembered the right place to make it hurt when she poked at him. "What do you think Dumbledore would have done? You know how he works. He'd have sent Severus anyway!"

"I don't know," argued Ron, even if he did know she was probably right.

"Would you rather explain to Severus that you chose not to tell him Harry was in danger - especially when you put him there?" she asked, watching his Adam's apple bob in a big gulp. "Exactly."


A thousand things went through Severus' mind as he ran for the gates of Hogwarts. Werewolves weren’t impervious to spells and hexes, but they had such keen hearing and fast reflexes they often managed to dive out of the way. Severus considered how upset Harry would be if anything happened to the wolf. This wasn't like Vernon. He didn't want to explore the fact that he himself didn't want to kill Lupin. The wolf had been a tolerable coworker. Thoughts of the vicious, snarling wolf he'd encountered in the past sprung into his mind. He would do whatever it took to ensure Harry's safety.

Severus Apparated onto Harry's back step, wanting to listen at the door before entering. He'd nearly Splinched into Ron, who was banging at the door, calling for Harry. Severus slapped him into silence, shocking Ron. The young Auror resisted the urge to put a hand up to his face where he knew there’d be a red handprint.

"Quiet," he hissed. "The wards won't allow anyone in through the doors or windows while Lupin is inside on the full moon."

"So what's wrong with me calling to get his attention?" At least he was doing something.

"Do you really think Harry couldn't find some way to let his best friend inside?" he was still angry at Ron for putting Harry in this situation.

Listening at the door, they could hear Harry nattering on exuberantly. "I know where they are in the room. I should have no problem getting in without startling the werewolf." Severus Apparated into the flat, leaving Ron at the door for an agonizing ten minutes before coming back out.

"Go home, Weasley," was all Severus said to let him know everything was under control. The use of his surname upset Ron more than he would have expected. He would gladly use that to place the blame for the large consumption of alcohol he was planning for the remainder of this night.

Severus found that it was hard to be frightened of the werewolf when Harry was rubbing his belly, singing, "Nice doggy, pretty doggy, sweet puppy." When Harry was alerted to his lover's presence, he excitedly called out. "Sev, look!" Harry's cheerful grin was a lot nicer than the last time his lover had not been in his right mind. Remus shot up from the floor where he had his belly exposed. Severus could almost feel a sense of relief from Lupin as he spelled a muzzle onto his coworker.

"Nothing personal, Lupin. I muzzle all the werewolves my Harry plays with."

Lupin nodded his furry head to Severus, expressing his understanding the need for precaution. If wolves could smile he would have, after hearing Severus say, “my Harry”.

"Did you get me a dog?" asked Harry, leaping into his arms and kissing him soundly. "He's gorgeous!" Harry sing-songed, leaving Severus’ lips to go back to giving his attention to the dog.

"No, he's just visiting for tonight," Severus explained and startled when he saw the muzzle on the floor. Harry had snapped it off and was running his fingers through the wolf's hair.

"Sev, feel his fur - underneath it’s so soft, but on the outside it’s harder, and it’s sooo thick - his neck’s almost like a lion’s ruff, and his tail’s so bushy," Harry rubbed his face into the furry neck, getting a lick on the side of his face. "Look at the way the colours change from brown to tan and black over here, and how there’s bands of color even on a single hair," Harry stroked each area as he combed through with his fingers. "He's solid too, lots of muscle and great lines on his face. Gorgeous. Oooh, look at his eyes, he looks like he understands everything - he’s intelligent!" he cooed almost reverently. The wolf shook his head vigorously as if shaking off water.

Remus startled when he heard the very words Sirius used to say to him. Gorgeous. He'd never believed it as Sirius was always trying to coax him into bed, not that he needed much coaxing around the full moon. Hearing Harry say the same things warmed his heart. Harry was more fit then James ever was, but he was still half expecting to see the young man morph into a stag.

"Say goodbye to the dog, Harry," prompted Severus.

"Where are we going? Can we bring him? He’s such a sweet puppy…?" he asked excitedly, voice reverting to the childish sing-song as he transfigured the muzzle into a leash without a second thought.

"No," Severus hastily transfigured the leash back into a muzzle. "He can't go… and I can't walk you from the gates at Hogwarts," he'd have to get one or more of Harry's friends to help him, but didn't want to have to do that.

"There's a party at the Burrow, wanna’ go? Seamus got a face-full of frosting ‘cause he was sitting next to Ron when we had cake. You should have seen it. Didn't we go to a party together there?" Harry tilted his head, trying to recall. Lupin also looked up at Severus, head tilted, trying to imagine the usually unapproachable Potions Master at a Weasley party.

"Have you seen the dog?" Harry's question made them realize how much the prank had affected him.

"Yes, more than I would have wished. We should be going now," despite his words, Severus had to admit Harry was probably in less danger at home with the wolf than if he were to attempt to get him into Hogwarts unnoticed, and in such shape. The relief of seeing Lupin in complete control was palpable. He didn't doubt his potions, but that didn't mean he was foolish enough to simply assume the werewolf would be safe.

"What's his name?" Harry pulled Severus over, guiding his hand to feel how extra soft the fur was right behind the ears. Severus thought about a name for a moment and went with the truth, calling the wolf, ‘Moony’.

"Moony, like Remus?" Harry hadn't even noticed the muzzle back in place. Severus thought Harry now understood until he spoke again. "I wonder if this is what Remus would look like on the full moon?" crooned Harry as he went back to petting across the dog's back. "Hey, I know," Harry quickly stood up; his tone didn't bode well for Severus. "If he can be Moony, I can be Prongs," he declared happily and transformed into Prongs.

Remus yelped, seeing the shimmery version of Harry's Prongs for the first time. Having taught Harry, he knew immediately what he was looking at, even if he didn't know how it was possible.

"Harry, No!" Severus shouted and quickly looked down to Lupin to make sure he'd been keeping his distance. Harry startled and Severus had to think quickly. "Can you show us your cat?" to his relief, Harry turned back to his usual self.

"In front of a dog?" asked Harry incredulously and Severus was momentarily gratified to see that not only was Harry in solid form once again, but thinking rationally, even if only for a minute. "We can both be dogs!" In an instant, Harry transformed into the exact match of the dog in front of him.

Remus thought it was interesting to see what it looked like from their point of view, only Harry did the change so much faster. The new wolf bounced excitedly, making a play bow and barking for the other one to join him. Severus, for his part, was concerned that Harry may very well have changed into an actual werewolf and not just a dog that was Lupin’s spitting image. He hated to do it, but muzzled Harry just as he had Lupin. Harry didn’t seem to care in the least as he tackled the other wolf, rolling around on the floor.

Earlier, Severus had been dreading what he'd find when he first arrived, and now he was standing, arms crossed, leaning against the wall, watching the two wolves in amusement as they practically tore around the flat in a boisterous game of tag, bounding over or landing on the furniture, moving some of it as they slid on a rug that was on a polished wood floor, into a chair, and around again, bouncing over the sofa and onto a tabletop. Harry would occasionally jump straight up in the air as if there were a springboard under him. When he got too rambunctious, Remus would tackle him and pin Harry down with his paw or push his muzzle into Harry's neck as the Alpha dog. Severus was sure the wolf would have had Harry's neck in his mouth if it weren’t for the barrier. Even if Lupin was careful, Sev would have been out of his mind, had he walked in on that sight. Harry gave a whine, showing submission, and then again bounded around happily as soon as he was let up.

In a flash, Harry turned and lept, his front paws on Severus' chest, tall enough that he was looking down a bit to meet Severus’ eyes. A long, pink tongue tried to lick him through the small openings on the muzzle. Severus couldn't resist rubbing behind his ears and petting down his furry back and up his chest. "Go play," he said softly and gave a little push, scrunching up his nose when Harry managed to get the tiniest bit of his tongue on his most prominent feature. Funny how he usually loved Harry's tongue but wasn't so sure about a panting pup. After watching some tussling around on the floor, Severus couldn't tell which wolf was which.

"Harry?" he looked uncertainly from one set of golden eyes to the next. It seemed both wolves found this situation amusing. Or perhaps Remus did and Harry was just still goofing around, no matter what. He looked from one to the other, expecting one to be slower or less exuberant, but wasn't getting anywhere. "Fawkes!" he shouted but was disappointed to see them both turn their heads, and yes, he was sure - they smiled.

Severus didn't like not being in control of the situation. He'd been tempted to make a snide remark directed at Lupin, but memories of a not so long ago utterly depressed Harry deterred him from doing something to upset his lover, should he direct his comment at the wrong wolf. "Children," he muttered, getting an unexpected growl in response. He hadn't even said it very loudly, and with two wolves rolling around the floor playfully he didn’t expect they’d have registered the comment. The problem was that it wasn't just one growl.

Severus really needed to learn not to call Harry a child. Try as he might to keep all concern from his face - no, he wouldn't even admit it to himself - the word ‘concern’ conveniently replaced ‘fear’. Severus thought perhaps the wolf could smell it. Lupin was still in his right mind and would not attack Severus, but that didn't mean Harry wouldn't do something stupid. Even just playing around with those teeth could change his life. He had no intention of needing to brew yet another portion of Wolfsbane potion each month.
While he told himself that Harry should only be a wolf in form with no Lycanthropy likely involved, he couldn’t be sure, as Harry shouldn't have been able to take the form of a Patronus, which he assumed with such ease.

Before he could think of the consequences to decide his next move, one of the wolves began to whine and dropped to a laying position. With his front paws over the top of his head, it gave a yelp.

"Harry," Severus knelt by the wolf he now was sure was Harry. Confirming his deductions, the amulet under his wand holster alerted him that he was now closer to his lover, and Harry was in pain. Remus circled the two, pacing, clearly concerned and wanting to know what was wrong. Unable to stand idle for much longer, Remus offered what little comfort he could, nuzzling between Harry's face and paws.

Staggering to his feet, Harry shook his head. To the other wizards' amazement, when he'd stopped shaking his head, the muzzle was gone. Remus had no idea Harry could do so much wandless magic; to be doing it in an Animagus form was impressive, even a bit scary, were it not Harry. The Harry-wolf whined again and awkwardly tried to climb into Sev's lap. He opened his mouth huge with a yawn, showing large, white, glistening teeth, and without warning licked Severus on the neck.

Severus used everything in his power to keep his breathing even. Though he was a pro at keeping his face impassive, he still released a sigh of relief when Harry morphed back into himself. "Hurts," whined Harry against his neck.

"Voldemort, you bastard," Harry spoke unexpectedly. "I'm tired of you ruining my fun. ~LEAVE ME ALONE YOU SNAKE BASTARD!~ he shouted at the Dark Mark on Severus' arm.

'When the Hell did he open my sleeve?' Severus could feel magic permeate his arm though the Mark. Harry growled as if still in wolf form, seemingly unaware of the wave of magic pouring off of him.

"Now I'm tired," sighed Harry. "Stupid Tom," Harry looked around from where he was straddling Severus' lap and smiled at Moony. "Did you see the dog?" he asked his Sev with a smile again as if it were the first time he noticed the animal, and reached way back to rub the wolf's head, assuming Severus would keep him from falling off his lap. "Chocolate!" sang Harry, delighted when a piece of candy fell from his pocket. Severus was too fast for him and managed to confiscate the tainted confection.


In the Burrow, Ron sat at the kitchen table with the few diehard friends still partying. Charlie was off doing side-along Apparation, making sure a few people got home all right. Seamus and Neville played ‘Knuts’, trying to bounce a coin into a glass of firewhisky. It was clear what Seamus had done with his spare time since school, having gotten five in a row. After downing the latest glass, Seamus smiled at Neville, declared himself the winner and proceeded to pass out.

"He was so mad I put Harry into danger," groaned Ron into his hands.

Hermione let out an exasperated sigh. "You've said that fifteen times," she huffed.

"Who's mad?" asked Neville

Seeing his sister on Neville's lap, Ron tried not to glare. Ginny was the only one of the four who hadn't recently been hit with a sobriety spell. Looking to see no one else around, Ron considered his next words, and to his great relief, Hermione took over.

"Neville, do you remember when we told you that Albus Dumbledore trusts S… Professor Snape," she didn't worry so much about her slip as Neville would assume she'd almost forgotten the Professor part.

"You're not going to tell me that he isn't all that bad and was only acting for the sake of the Slytherin students, are you?"

"No, of course not," Ron blurted out. "He loves taking points off Gryffindor in particular and scaring students in general,"

Did Ron think this was helping? Hermione wondered. "The point is that even if he… um… can be nasty at times, that doesn't mean we can't trust him."

"He's the one who's mad at Ron?" Neville asked tentatively. "But you're sure we can trust him?" he not only got a nod from Ron and Hermione, but Ginny as well. "And how is it he knows about Harry going home to Professor Lupin?" He spoke slowly, watching their reactions, taking it all in.

"We sent to him for help," Hermione spoke just as slowly and watched Nev's eyes widen.

Neville considered, they had to trust the professor if they'd done that instead of taking care of the problem themselves, as they'd always done in school all those years.

"Neville, you're the only one besides the family and those close to Dumbledore who know this, but Snape and Harry spent the summer and free time since then in training to prepare Harry for defeating Voldemort. He's actually been very civil to us when we've seen him."

To his credit, Neville didn't flinch at the name. "What about when he was mean to me in school? You're not going to tell me he's changed, are you?"

"No, not really, but that doesn't mean he isn't on our side; he just doesn't have a lot of patience and doesn't like most Gryffindors," Ron clarified.

"I don't think you're helping," Hermione paused when the fire flared and Harry's head was suddenly in the flames.

"Ron, come on over, you gotta see this dog!"

Ron startled and declined the offer to come and play. He slumped in his chair, seeing Harry look so disappointed.

"But Severus said he can only stay the night, so you won't get another chance." Harry's disappointed face changed abruptly to a smile in response to a comment they couldn’t quite make out, then disappeared completely from view when a large hand reached in front of him and closed the Floo.

"Severus, as in Snape?" stammered Neville.


"I could give him a calming drought, but I don't know what type of interactions there might be with what he has in him now," Severus seemed to be talking to himself, but Remus listened intently. "Thought about a sobering charm, but…" he trailed off, not knowing how to explain that he'd rather have happy drugged Harry than whatever might be left with the prank chocolate alone. "It would help if I knew what we were dealing with," he looked at the wolf for a long moment, pondering how he felt about leaving Harry alone, if only for a little while.

Harry interrupted his contemplation when he whistled for the dog. "Are you hungry?" Putting a bowl of leftover pot roast down for Remus, Harry took off the muzzle, looked back toward Severus and out of the blue asked an intelligent question. "How about the potion with the snake picture on it?" He was referring to the potion that increased liver and kidney functions, helping rid the body of toxins faster. Severus didn't even know Harry had been listening from the kitchen. He suddenly thought to check Harry for injuries, as the knives were very sharp. "I love your hands," Harry said with a happy sigh. "Did you see Ron in the Floo? He shouldn't look sad on his birthday." With his startling, abrupt mood changes clearly showing no change towards improvement, and the continuing intermittent short-term memory loss, Severus decided it was time to talk to Fred and George.

"Harry, if I go and make sure Ron's happy, will you stay with Moony?" while he posed the question to Harry, Severus looked to the wolf to see that he was OK with the idea. Thinking about Harry's short-term memory, he summoned a piece of parchment and wrote ‘STAY WITH MOONY’ in large letters. "It's very important that Moony not be lonely," he added, hoping to get his point across. He promised to return soon and was amused to see Harry was already at the wolf's side. Severus waited just long enough for the wolf to finish eating and replaced the muzzle with an added spell to keep it buckled on until he personally removed it.

"Take care of Ron so he's happy," Harry reminded him before Severus left with a pop. Rubbing behind a furry ear, Harry suddenly thought he should help. "Ron had a great party," he told Moony. "I'm gonna go… what?" He blinked, surprised when the wolf barked and pushed the parchment with his paw. "STAY WITH MOONY," he read aloud. "That's Sev's handwriting," Harry said dreamily, "he's got great hands." Harry suddenly noticed the telly was on and began to watch from where he stood. As if suddenly recalling he had a mission, Harry convinced Moony to join him on the sofa so he wouldn't feel lonely.

"Let me know when we get to something you like," Harry asked while switching from one channel to the next. He sat, unconsciously petting the wolf. After his hand bumped into the muzzle for the fifth time, he tried to remove it. Several tries later, the muzzle still wouldn't budge. Moony twisted his head away to discourage what Harry had taken on as his latest challenge. Frustrated with his lack of results, Harry grasped the muzzle, his hand wedged between the leather and Moony's fur. "OFF," he growled and smacked his wand down onto the offensive article in his palm.

Trying the latch on the leather strap again, Harry found he still couldn't open it, but since the muzzle was no longer attached to it, he didn't care all that much. Moony looked down to the floor and sniffed the buckle with strap and the muzzle that had fallen apart from it. He was looking forward to seeing Severus' face when he returned. He was lying so close to Harry he could feel his magic, even in his wolf form. Remus hadn't realized how powerful the young man had become.


Severus lay quietly on the bed, thinking about the odd turn of events that led him to allowing a werewolf to sleep in the bed with them. Mind, Severus had no plans of sleeping and was eternally grateful that the wolf wasn't still awake. Of all the things Harry forgot from one minute to the next, he chose to remember how important it was to stay with Moony and make sure he didn't get lonely, thus the wolf sleeping there, thankfully as close to the edge of the bed as possible.

He snickered (not that he’d ever admit that particular act), remembering how surprised the wolf had been when Severus poured a muscle relaxant and pain reliever into a bowl for the mutt to lap up before going to sleep. It had irritated the Potions Master to no end to know that he couldn't take care of Harry with potions. The trip to the Burrow had been useless, unless he counted the gob-smacked look on Longbottom's face when he called Ron by his first name. Surprisingly, the usually incompetent Gryffindor had chosen to take an oath for their protection rather than to allow himself to be Obliviated. Thinking back, the boy's parents hadn't been any less devoted to the Light. It had been an interesting visit, short as it was. He recalled how the color had left Ron's face when asked how he'd gotten Harry to eat the tainted chocolate. That was something to check into for sure.

After looking through his satchel for the fifteenth time, frustrated, he thought about the changes in Lupin and what it might be like for the werewolf when he awoke the next morning with the two wizards there to see him in such a weakened state. His thinking was that it was better to ensure a smoother transition for Lupin, thus preventing an uncomfortable situation come morning when the wizard would have been hurting and vulnerable. Severus mentally insisted he was only helping himself.

"Hmnagottapee," Harry mumbled and attempted to dislodge the covers he'd been twisted in. He wasn't sure how he got there, but found himself in the loo trying to pull up the shirt of his Slytherin pyjamas and the pants down. Frustrated when he nearly peed on the shirttails, Harry vanished the offending articles of clothing and let out a sigh of relief as his bladder emptied.

Starting at the bottom of the bed, Harry climbed under the covers and on top of Severus. "You're awake," Harry smiled and didn't seem to mind when Severus cast a breath freshening charm at him. "Sexy Slytherin snake," purred Harry before capturing his lips.

Severus absolutely refused to moan, but gods and goddesses, it felt so good to have Harry pressed against him. He didn't have to look over to know that the wolf had most likely woken up when Harry returned to the bed. No, he wouldn't sigh happily as Harry's exploring tongue meandered down his neck and back up again, invading his mouth, nor groan when his lover tweaked his nipples hard, just the way he liked it. Oh, but he might growl when he felt a hard cock press firmly against him. Severus latched onto his neck and was almost undone when Harry rambled endlessly in Parseltongue.

Severus was fighting his conscience as much as he fought the urge to moan. He could no longer avoid making a decision when Harry purred the spell to remove his pyjamas. "Harry," it took everything in him to control his breathing as his cock was sucked into a sinful mouth. Severus clenched the sheets, twisting them, trying to get his mind around to speaking. Merlin, even in this state, Harry was talented.

"Harry… I… come 'ere, love," gasped Severus, pulling him up, away from his needy cock.

"Hmm?" Harry latched onto a nipple, seemingly paying attention while sucking the nub.

"Remember Moony?" he began, but regretted the words when Harry reached over to pet the dog, while still latched onto his nipple. "Harry, not just Moony… Remus," Severus hissed when Harry ground their cocks together. "Remember you said it was hot when you listened to your friends?" he tried again as Harry nodded his head and accidentally pulled his teeth over his delectably abused nipple. "How about the other way around?" he asked, pleased to see Harry lick his lips.

"Mi’ would beg if she thought I'd let her watch," he giggled.

"What about Remus?" Severus tilted his head toward the wolf and watched Harry's expression, concerned when he looked unsure. He wouldn't take advantage of Harry's eagerness if he thought his lover would have regrets in the morning… even if his cock was aching.

"I made him uncomfortable. I wouldn't want to do that again," explained Harry quietly. "Actually, he's been way more at ease around me for a while now. I think it's 'cause he's getting laid," he said happily. "This was the first time he was having his friend over before the full moon. Me, Ron and Remus cleared the place of all signs of me living here. Did I tell you me and Ron showed him the weights?" Harry asked excitedly. "Holy shit, that man can lift some major weight," Harry trailed kisses along Severus' shoulder muscles as he spoke. "Don't know why I didn't expect 'im to be fit, but damn, he's pretty hot."

"Is he, now?" asked Severus with a raised brow and smirked, thinking about how the wolf must be busting to remain so quiet. He didn't know if Harry fully understood that it was Remus beside him, but he'd said enough to appease his conscience, should it come into question.

"Hmm, yup," Harry said against his neck. "He's like Charlie, stocky build and a hairy chest." Harry slurped, pulling Sev's earlobe between his lips. "Bet him and Sirius used to go at it like animals," Harry hummed, sucking on the lobe again until he realized what he'd said. "I didn't mean that the way it came out," said Harry with a silly grin. "Maybe if I was sucking on your glorious cock, I'd stop embarrassing myself."

Far be it from Severus to argue with such logic. With only the light of the full moon, he watched Harry's messy head bob up and down while he enthusiastically sucked in all that he could take. The sounds seemed to amplify as Harry tried his best to take in his full length and avoid gagging. He hummed around the large cock and then took panting breaths against Sev’s bollucks when his jaw needed a quick break. Severus was more than happy to take himself in hand while Harry licked, occasionally dipping his tongue lower, teasing Severus' perineum. He opened his legs wider in invitation, but was disappointed when Harry lifted his head up and covered Sev's pumping hand with his own.

"I wanna’ top," he exclaimed happily, the silly grin back in place. "Lubricous," Harry’s voice suddenly lowered as if he growled the preparation spell. Even the wolf couldn't hide his surprise when he heard the spell without even a reply from the other wizard who would be at the receiving end of it, and all it implied. Severus had almost thought Harry cast the spell on the wrong male when he didn't feel any preparation, and had seen the wolf startle, but understood when Harry climbed atop him and began to straddle him. "Help me Sev, hmmm yeah," hummed Harry when Severus guided his hard cock into Harry's magically prepped entrance. "That's what I'm talking about," Harry wriggled on the cock, making sure it was in as far as possible, and gave a squeeze. He hissed when Severus' hips jerked in response. "Sexy Slytherin Snape."

~Severus, fuck me~ His head rolled back and slumped forward again as he rolled his hips back and forth, impaling himself again and again.

Severus found it very amusing to see Harry's current version of topping. Watching his lover lose himself was intoxicating. Occasional gasps or expletives interrupted the sibilance of the Parseltongue whenever his angle was just right. Severus let the pleasure consume him as Harry rode his cock with exuberance. The taboo of knowing Lupin lay only scant inches away made for a heady experience.

~Please touch me~ begged Harry. While he was glad when Severus gripped his hips tightly and suddenly surged in deeper, pumping his cock into him forcefully, his own pulsing cock wept in need. With white knuckles, Harry gripped the headboard, using the leverage to slam back against Severus. ~Fuck!~ Harry cried out as Severus hit his prostate for the umpteenth time. ~Please~please~please~ Harry's pleas came out like a high-pitched wail hissed into the air.

The scent of want and need permeated the air as strongly as the smell of sex and sweat. Remus' head spun with the overwhelming aromas that saturated the humid air. His arousal was painfully obvious growing from the soft underbelly fur that covered his wolf form. With Harry and Severus so completely engrossed with each other, he hadn't expected either of them to have noticed when let out an unexpected whine. It was to his great shock and relief when a wave of magic passed over him and the newest muzzle fell away.

A careful glance at Harry proved the younger wizard was far too immersed in his pleasure to have been the one who had released him from his confines. Severus appeared to also be completely occupied, but Lupin knew better. Severus was an impressive spy for a reason. He idly wondered how the Potions Master would act had he been alone with Harry. Harry's use of Parseltongue during sex had been an unexpected revelation in and of itself. He'd seen Harry speak with the new pet snake, but that was very different from the unrelenting hiss accompanied by the scent of sexual need and now frustration. He was temped to sniff at the leaking member, bringing Severus' attention to Harry's need. For that matter, he was temped to leap across Snape's legs and mount Harry along with him. The younger wizard had been so uninhibited all night, he couldn't help wondering about the other wizard and if Snape ever screamed when hit with a powerful climax.

Having resisted as long as he could, Remus gave up his contemplation of the other's usual sexual habits and tended to his own need.

Unaware that he'd been thinking along the same lines as the wolf watching their activities, Harry decided he wanted his lover to totally lose control. He'd vaguely noticed Severus wave his wand a moment ago, but didn't feel any magic on himself. This gave him a few ideas of his own.

Severus kept his rhythm even as he plunged deep into Harry. The sounds made by his young lover brought him closer to the edge. He was thankful the alcohol and other mind altering substances had helped Harry last as long as he had. He reveled in the knowledge that he could bring Harry to such an intense yet desperate state as cool drops of sweat dripped on his chest from his lover above. He'd been about to reach for the lubricant again when he felt a sudden slickness between them. With a start he realized the slickness extended inside of not only Harry, but himself as well.

Knowing he was so close, Severus reached for Harry's leaking cock. No sooner had he wrapped his long fingers around the pulsing member, he felt an unexpected intrusion at his entrance. A panicked look over to the other side of the bed proved that Lupin was still where he’d been all along. Without even a second to recognize the telltale vibrations for what they were, Severus felt the explosive wave of pleasure as Harry's toy rammed home.

The resulting scream was a satisfying one; screams plural, actually. Severus had squeezed Harry's cock so tight when the toy plundered his prostate that it sent them both over the edge. He convulsed, spilling his seed deep into his lover, as Harry shot out every drop of his own orgasm. If Severus was embarrassed that he'd let go in front of Lupin, he got over it quickly enough when he glanced over and locked eyes with the werewolf that had been busily lapping up his own release.

Harry had been hoping to get a shout and was quite pleased with the scream. He didn't notice Sev's quick look over to Lupin.

Soon all three wizards had dozed off in the afterglow. Severus kept a hand wrapped around Harry's arse, holding him close, his lover's head resting on his shoulder, blowing warm puffs of air against his neck as he dreamed of inconsequential things. After a time, Harry shifted his weight slightly, sliding off Sev, allowing the older wizard to breathe a bit easier. He let out a small groan of protest when Sev's cock finally pulled free.

The wolf's nose had long ago adjusted to the smell of sex in the room, but was nearly woken up by the wafting aromas that caught his attention even in sleep. His nose twitched, the tip of his tongue licked over his nose and snout taking in the taste in the air. The wet nose continued to sniff, his snout nudging out away from where it rested on his paws to better take in the scent. The unexpected press of flesh against is snout woke the wolf fully, his amber eyes widened at the realization that he'd just tasted the seed of Severus Snape as it trickled from Harry's bum. If he were honest with himself, he'd admit that he'd not only tasted, but also lapped up every drop he could from that sweet tasting hole.

In an attempt to gain control of himself and resist all urges to thrust more than a tongue into the young wizard, Remus scurried down to the foot of the bed, facing away from all temptation. He'd not think about why he didn't just get up and leave the room to sleep on the sofa. He outright ignored his body's reaction to the two new flavours and willed himself to control the wolf. Sleep was a long time coming.


Severus woke to the sound of Hedwig tearing into a package of bread in the kitchen. Harry was sound asleep in his arms. The feel of fur he'd felt edge up against the back of his arm in the later part of the night had been replaced by skin. He wondered how Harry would react to waking up with an armful of Remus, instead of Moony. Apparently he wouldn't be finding out, as it was Lupin who awakened next. Severus watched as the wizard in his lover's arms stiffened, having realized where and with whom he was in bed. So taken by the situation, he'd yet to notice that he not only felt pretty good, but hadn't even woken fully for the transformation back to his human self.

Very slowly, Remus turned his head. An interesting array of emotions crossed his face as he hadn't expected to see the Dark Mark partially obscured by Harry's face where he rested peacefully on Snape's forearm. He briefly wondered how Voldemort would react, if he ever found out that the Boy Who Lived had been drooling in his sleep on the sinister looking symbol of the Dark Lord.

Ignoring the morning wood that jutted against his backside, Remus carefully extricated himself from Harry's embrace. And while he was confidant in his ability at stealth, it didn't surprise him at all to hear Snape's voice as he quietly stepped from the room.

"Do give Will and Basil my regards," purred the Potions Master, who made no attempt at discretion as he eyed Remus up and down, confirming that yes, the werewolf was sufficiently well-endowed enough to hold the attentions of Snape's old fuck-mates.

The sound of Lupin hastily gathering his clothes in the next room was surprisingly drowned out by Harry's unexpected comment.

"Damn, he's huge."

2nd half of Chapter 83

All chapters are also posted at HPfandom
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